Introducing the project of electronic information portal of Vietnam Union of S&T Associations (VUSTA)
-   +   A-   A+     10/06/2008
To prepare for the deployment of the electronic information portal project, in April 4th 2008, the Vietnam Union of S&T Associations had organised a conference for introducing the project to relevant units. The contents of the conference being focused on introducing the portal technology, on sharing experiences from some units having built and used the portal.

Participants to the conference comprised Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ho Uy Liem. Vice Chairman cum Secretary General of VUSTA, representatives from some central branches associations, provincial Unions, affiliated units having participated in building the tasks, in providing information, in controlling the activities of designed softwares.

On behalf of the Investment Owner and the Project Management Board, M.S. Hoang Quoc Tri had presented the actual state of applying information technology at the Vietnam Union Organs, the member Associations and its affiliated Units 81. Through survey data, the application of information technology in the whole system of VUSTA is still very weak as compared with stats organs, yet unable to substantially support the more and more diversified activities of the vast system.

With the project of electronic information portal after completion, various activities such as management, international cooperation, training and knowledge diffusion, scientific research and technological development, consulting, criticizing and society appraising… could be operated on the system of intranet. Besides, the electronic information portal could better meet requirements of providing information, means to professional activities, thus rising / improving the performance and working effectiveness for the whole system of VUSTA.

After completion, the electronic information portal of VUSTA shall be an instrument for exchange, a leading clue for providing information, services, utilities to all subjects in need of those.

At the conference, representatives had been introduced with some newest technologies, and experiences for building electronic information portal from some units having developed it. These are bases for the Vietnam Union to select a development alternative to be most effective in cost saving, creating favourable context to general activities.

News, photo: Sinh Thanh,

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