Guidance training of PCTRAN program for VARANS staff
-   +   A-   A+     22/03/2011
From 7 to 9 Mars 2011, training course on guidance PCTRAN program took place at the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS). Mr. LiChi Cliff Po, President of the Micro Simulation Technology Company (MST) and Dr. Tran Dai Phuc, nuclear technology expert with many years of working in developed nuclear power countries, were invited by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to come to undertake training for VARANS staff.

PCTRAN is a software package that can simulate a variety of accident and transient conditions for nuclear power plants. PCTRAN is appreciated and used by many countries in the world such as United States, Germany, France,…for training operators, technicians, regulatory staff,… in the field of nuclear power. This program is funded by IAEA for VARANS to support nuclear safety capacity building of the regulatory body.

This is good chance for VARANS staff to proficiently use PCTRAN on computer. With about 40 major cases of accidents specifically given, the trainees were aware of the general knowledge as well as learnt valuable experience from experts.

After the course, Mr. LiChi Cliff Po highly evaluated Vietnamese trainee’s qualification that is not inferior to trainees in countries where he provided this training and said he will collect questions and comments of the trainee based in which he will appropriately update the program as well as update the basic parameters for this program to be used for Russian VVER technology. The two sides signed the report of successful transferring PCTRAN program and delivering the guidance training. 

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