Pollution contaminating water sources in Dong Nai Province
-   +   A-   A+     11/06/2012
Pollution levels in almost all rivers and springs in the southern province of Dong Nai continues to increase with unabated and unchecked dumping of wastewater and substances from businesses, industrial zones along with garbage from local households.

The Environmental Observation Station under the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in Dong Nai Province has pointed out the rising pollution levels in a survey on the water quality of rivers and springs in the area.

Both the Ray and Gieng Rivers were found contaminated with high concentration levels of E.coli, coliform, nitrite and phosphate, with some springs also showing high traces of the same substances.

According to the Environmental Observation Station, rivers and springs in the province are continuing to be polluted due to huge quantities of wastewater and waste substances from businesses and industrial zones.

In addition, local residents also dump daily garbage into the rivers and springs, adding to increasing pollution over the last several years.
The Environmental Observation Station under the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in Dong Nai Province has pointed out the rising pollution levels in a survey on the water quality of rivers and springs in the area.

Both the Ray and Gieng Rivers were found contaminated with high concentration levels of E.coli, coliform, nitrite and phosphate, with some springs also showing high traces of the same substances.

According to the Environmental Observation Station, rivers and springs in the province are continuing to be polluted due to huge quantities of wastewater and waste substances from businesses and industrial zones.

In addition, local residents also dump daily garbage into the rivers and springs, adding to increasing pollution over the last several years.

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