To accept subject “Status and measures towards schizophrenia disease in community”
-   +   A-   A+     01/10/2014
On September 25th, 2014 Department of Science & Technology Ba Ria-Vung Tau held a Council to accept subject “Status and measures towards schizophrenia disease in Ba Ria-Vung Tau province”, head of subject is Doctor Specialist I Ngo Thanh Phong (Ba Ria-Vung Tau Mental Hospital). Council chairman is Mr. Mai Thanh Quang – Director of Department of Science & Technology.

On September 25th, 2014 Department of Science & Technology Ba Ria-Vung Tau held a Council to accept subject “Status and measures towards schizophrenia disease in Ba Ria-Vung Tau province”, head of subject is Doctor Specialist I Ngo Thanh Phong (Ba Ria-Vung Tau Mental Hospital). Council chairman is Mr. Mai Thanh Quang – Director of Department of Science & Technology.

Purpose of subject is to identify management status and effectiveness of schizophrenia treatment in community after 10 years of deploying national target program to protect mental health in community; identify the rate of people with correct knowledge about schizophrenia.


Schizophrenia is a heavy aballenated disease, gradual progression, with chronic trend, strange behavior and thinking. According to statistics of World Health Organization, rate of schizophrenia is 0.3 – 1.5% population, in Vietnam 0.3 -1% population. Until now, origin of schizophrenia has not been found out yet, therefore treatment method is to treat symptom. The subject has found totally and deeply in terms of management and treatment in community as well as knowledge of people towards schizophrenia disease.   


For the last two years, the subject has implemented main contents, for example, investigate management status and schizophrenia treatment for patients in 10 years, and deploy national target programs on public mental health protection. Investigate symptoms relating to depression and anxiety disease; result of investigation, evaluate knowledge of people on schizophrenia.


The author has also proposed four measures in the background that Ba Ria-Vung Tau province is lack of infrastructure, human resources, knowledge on mental healthcare is limited.


Measure No.1: Propagandize; educate knowledge on preventing schizophrenia and train collaborators, family on serving mental measures for patients.


Measure No. 2: Check and detect rate of new mental patients and plan of managing and treating towards mental patients in the Province.


Measure No.3: Build a plan for training team of mental health specialists in order to meet the specialized needs and improve treatment effectiveness.


Measure 4: Restore social – psychological function for schizophrenia patients. The Council highly evaluates the result of subject, here is a new subject towards the Province, its scale is big and investigation data is practical, besides measures are suitable,. However, the council requires head of subject to add and complete opinions on content of subject. The subject is approved and ranked fair by the council.         

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