The Acceptance Council and Advisory Council to determine the content and funding of support according to Resolution No. 06/2020/NQ-HDND, phase 1 of 2023
-   +   A-   A+     10/08/2023

On August 8, 2023, the Department of Science and Technology of BR-VT province organized an Acceptance Council and Advisory Council to determine the content and funding of support according to Resolution No. 06/2020/NQ-HDND, phase 1 of 2023. Attending was Mr. Tran Duy Tam Thanh - Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology, Chairman of the Approval Council.

1. The Council accepts the contents and funding to support projects of innovative startups participating in the first phase of the 2023 science and technology program.

After evaluating the achieved results as well as related legal documents of the two projects, the Council agreed to accept the project of Kim Truc Plus Co., Ltd. with the field of operation being production and processing honey’s products. Supporting contents is marketing and product promotion.

2. Advisory Council determines the contents and funding to support the Project of innovative start-up enterprises according to Resolution No. 06/2020/NQ-HDND dated August 4, 2020 of the Provincial People's Council , phase 1 of 2023.

After reviewing and appraising the contents and funding requested for support from businesses. Council members agreed to provide financial support to 02 businesses:

- K Products Joint Stock Company: the field of activity relates producing dishes and prepared foods. The contents of consulting and support is Marketing and product promotion.

- Hiep Luc Viet Development Co., Ltd.'s fields of activity are seawater purifiers, oil filters for fishing vessels, and nanotechnology. Consulting content to support training and start-up services.

This is the basis for companies to receive financial support from the Science and Technology Business Support Program.


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