Baria-Vungtau’s major socio-economic targets for 2006-2010
-   +   A-   A+     13/12/2007

* Average annual GDP growth rate:

-          Oil-related growth rate: 11 – 13%

-          Non-oil growth rate: 17.77-20.65%.

* Per capita GDP:

-          Oil-related: $10,871-12,645

-          Non-oil: $5,519-6,752.


* Economic structure:

-          Oil-related: industry-construction: 76.09-76.77% (of the province’s GDP); services: 20.44-21.2%; agriculture: 2.71-2.79%.

-          Non-oil: industry & construction: 65.79%; services: 30.1%; agriculture: 4.11%.


     * Exports:

-          Oil-related: $36.757 billion

-          Non-oil: $2.017 billion


      * Total investment capital for development:

-          VND 72.772-82.312 trillion ($4.57 billion-517 billion), 21.11-22.1% of GDP (of which capital from central government is VND 18.9-25.4 trillion ($1.18-$1.59 billion), local sources: VND22.512 trillion ($1.41billion), and foreign investment VND 31.36-34.4 trillion ($1.97 billion).


      * Total (budget) revenues:

-          Oil-related: VND 333.959 trillion ($21 billion)

-          Non-oil: VND 80.310 trillion ($5.05 billion) (of wich import-export tax was VND 25,000 billion ($1.57 billion).

* Population: 1.026 million (by 2010) and no households under the province’s poverty line of VND 300,000 ($18.86)/person/houehold per month in rural areas; VND 400.000 ($25.15)/person/household per month in urban areas.

Job creation: 75,000 jobs. Trained wokers (to 2010) 55% and agriculture workers less than 50%./.

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