Acceptance of sciencentific research : “Develop GIS for urban management in Vung Tau City in BR-VT”
-   +   A-   A+     18/04/2008

In April 11, 2008, the DOST organized a sciencetific coucil to accept a project called: “Develop GIS for urban development in BR-VT”. The project was headed by Eng. Nguyen Thi Huong Lan, INOVA ( Ho Chi Minh City)

After implementing for 18 months (from September 2006 to February 2008), studying group completed some issues including developing satellite model and its attribute for information system based on data that applied GIS; develop digital data for urban management in Vung Tau City; develop software that applied UMIS 1.0 for information system based on GIS; trained staffs who work in professional departments in the People’s Committee of Ward 8, in Vung Tau City in order that they can be able to use and exploit the software, exploit software  UMIS 1.0 for urban management in Vung Tau City.


On behalf of the Council, PhD. Truong Thanh Cong, the chairman of the Council assessed high effective results of the project in applying GIS to develop urban management information system and created high feasible software UMIS 1.0. To complete the report of its result, the chairman required the head of project to complement proposals for security solutions of the system; hold some training courses to educate skills of inputting data and exploiting system, in addition, the studying group should cooperate with the DOST and other competent authorities to register copyright for software UMIS 1.0 to carry out in the whole Vung Tau city. This project was awarded grade fair.

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