Illegal PC Software Use Down 3 Percent in 2007
-   +   A-   A+     11/06/2008

Piracy of software on personal computers (PC) in Vietnam fell from 88 percent in 2006 to 85 percent in 2007, amid a global trend in which piracy rates dropped in most countries. The study showed that Vietnam had the biggest sofware piracy rate decrease in the Asia Pacific region. However, losses more than doubled from the previous year to US$200 million, largely due to the high PC growth rate and currency exchange movements.

These are among the findings of the fifth annual global PC software piracy study released by the Business Software Alliance (BSA), an international association representing the global sofware industry. The study covers 108 countries and was conducted independently by IDC, the information technolody (IT) industry' + char(39)+ N's leading global market research and forecasting firm.

"This report shows that Vietnam has taken a step in the right direction, but has more work to do in the battle against software piracy,", said Tarun Sawney, BSA Director of Anti - Piracy in Asia.

"The 3 percent drop in the software piracy rate is encouraging, and it clearly demonstrates that the fight against piracy can be won," said Dr. Vu Manh Chu, the Head of the Copyright Office of Vietnam.      

Thanh Hoa

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