Developing e-government in Vietnam
-   +   A-   A+     23/06/2008
VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam is studying the development of e-Government in many countries around the world to choose a suitable model. The country can learn infrastructure development from the Republic of Korea, modern organization from Germany and the application of e-Government in daily issues from Egypt.

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam is studying the development of e-Government in many countries around the world to choose a suitable model. The country can learn infrastructure development from the Republic of Korea, modern organization from Germany and the application of e-Government in daily issues from Egypt.
Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Le Doan Hop, paid an official visit to
Egypt at the invitation of the Microsoft Group. The visit sought to study the development of e-Government in Egypt, which was sponsored by Microsoft. He talked about the prospect of developing e-Government in Vietnam.

What should
Vietnam learn about e-Government from Egypt?
Egypt has developed e-Government successfully. Vietnam can learn many things from Egypt as it has many things in common with Vietnam. First, Vietnam is strongly determined to develop e-Government. Secondly, Vietnam can learn practical applications. All reforms in Government and e-Government development are aimed at serving people’s demands for production. Thirdly, Egypt applied e-Government in essential areas such as university examination registration and identity card insurance via Internet. We can study their way of using: e-Government for people and for the Government itself. The Government must apply IT in its activities.

Which factors contribute to the success of e-Government?
The decisive factor behind the success of e-Government is the strong determination of the Government. The second factor is people’s desire to use IT. Thanks to the press we can know everything happening in the world today, and thanks to IT, people can communicate with each other all over the world. Thirdly,
Vietnam must create a comprehensive infrastructure, train highly qualified people and develop industrial IT, especially the software industry and everyday applications of IT in general and State management in particular.

Which e-Government model is suitable for
Vietnam and when will the model be implemented?
Vietnam will study the experiences in developing e-Government in many countries to choose the best one. For example, we can learn infrastructure development from the Republic of Korea, modern organization from Germany and the use of e-Government to deal with daily issues from Egypt. We will select the best thing from each country to form a suitable model.

We have reviewed the results of implementing the government-funded IT project (known as project 112) to look at the pros and cons of the system.
We will mobilize intellectuals from the entire country and the world to build a specific action plan for e-Government. Vietnamese representatives are visiting some countries to study their models in order to complete the plan. The ministry hopes to complete the project by mid August to submit it to the Government for approval, and develop a budget for 2009-2010 in September and October. By the end of 2010, e-Government in
Vietnam will be on par with other countries in the region. Vietnam will then continue to complete the project to integrate into the world.


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