MOU on Scientific Cooperation concluded between MOST of Vietnam and the U.S. Committee for Scientific Cooperation with Vietnam
-   +   A-   A+     26/07/2008
Vice Minister of Science and Technology, Le Dinh Tien and Chairman of the U.S. Committee for Scientific Cooperation with Vietnam, Professor Jud Landinsky signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on scientific cooperation with Vietnam on July 23rd 2008 in Hanoi.

Vice Minister of Science and Technology, Le Dinh Tien and Chairman of the U.S. Committee for Scientific Cooperation with Vietnam, Professor Jud Landinsky signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on scientific cooperation with Vietnam on July 23rd 2008 in Hanoi.

The MOU on scientific cooperation in five year - period 2008-2012 follows the last five-year MOU of 2002-2007. The last five years has witnessed successful cooperation of the two parties with great benefits to Vietnam in science and technology. The MOU signing shows the interests in the continuing cooperation in science and technology areas between Vietnam and the US and also bridges over the two countries in technology transfer and evaluation, information exchange and human resource training.

On behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Vice Minister Le Dinh Tien thanked Professor Judy Landinsky for her valuable contribution to the science and technology development of Vietnam over the past years. The Vice Minister wished to further promote the cooperation between the two parties in the area.  

In her speech at the signing ceremony, Professor Judy expressed her pleasure for achievements in the cooperation of the two parties and affirmed, in position of the Chairman of the U.S. Committee for Scientific Cooperation with Vietnam, to try her best to strengthen the stable and long lasting relationship of the two countries.


Extract of Professor Judy Landinsky’s biography

Professor Judith L. Ladinsky graduated from the Medical University in 1962. She completed the Master degree on maternity; Doctor degree on physiology and cytology. Since 1975, she has taken several positions like Professor of Provisionary Health Department of Wisconsin – Madison University, Head of Sub-Committee of Medical Science under the U.S. Committee for Scientific Cooperation with Vietnam and current Chairman of the Committee. Over many years, she has acted as consultant and organizer of events relating to health care for the people in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia; and for such organizations as UNICEF, UNESCO... Her interests in Vietnam are health, science, education with priority given to women and children.

She first came to Vietnam in 1980 at the invitation of Professor Tôn Thất Tùng. After the visit, she explored what is needed in Vietnam. She encouraged the U.S’s scientists and people to support Vietnam in both spirit and materials, firstly on healthcare. She herself pioneers in all campaigns to support Vietnam and transfer the support to Vietnam. She develops projects on rural health and female doctors’ training for the rural areas as well as supply of medical equipment and devices. Since 1980, Professor Ladinsky has cooperated with Vietnam-Germany Hospital to upgrade the training programs and technology transfer in medical sciences, clinical treatment and cure of cancers, Japanese encephalitis, HIV ... Apart from that, she has also helped to train several Vietnamese masters and doctors in the U.S and to send Vietnamese students for abroad study in the U.S.

She is said to be one of the well-known Americans in Vietnam. She is called “the woman on record of concerns to the health of Vietnamese people”, “the bridge of scientific cooperation between Vietnam and the U.S”, etc.

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