Asian Science Camp 2008 to be organized in Bali
-   +   A-   A+     04/08/2008
The Asian Science Camp (ASC) 2008 is to be organized in Indonesia' + char(39)+ N's resort island of Bali from Aug. 3 to 9 and attended by five Nobel Laureates, the Antara news agency reported Saturday.

The Nobel Laureates to participate in the ASC 2008 are Prof. Masatoshi Koshiba (2002 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Japan), Prof. Yuan Tseh Lee (1986 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Chinese Taipei), Prof. Douglas D. Osheroff (1996 Nobel Laureate in Physics, USA), Prof. Dr. Richard Robert Ernst (1991 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Switzerland), and Prof. David Gross (2004 Nobel Laureate in Physics, USA).

Around 500 students from Asian countries will attend the ASC 2008 with a theme of "See the Future, Be the Future".

Participants from foreign countries and regions include those from Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, South Korea, China, Chinese Taipei, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia.

The idea of the Asian Science Camp was co-proposed in September2005 after the 55th Annual meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students in Lindau, Germany, by Professor Yuan-Tseh Lee and Professor Masatoshi Koshiba.

The proposal is aimed to enlighten science talented youths through discussions and dialogs with top scholars in the world, and promote international friendship and cooperation among best young students of the next generation in Asia.

The governing body of the Asian Science Camp is the International Board of Asian Science Camp (IBASC). IBASC is a non-profit organization and consists of non-governmental educational institutions.

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