Completing training courses of using Internet and Email for officers of District Peasant Association
-   +   A-   A+     27/09/2008
In July and August of 2008, Center of Informatics and Science – Technology Information of Science and Technology Department of Baria-Vungtau Province co-ordinated with the Provincial Peasant Association had completed 7 training courses: "Using Internet to exploit scientific and technological information" for officers of Peasant Association of Vungtau City, Baria Town and 5 Districts in the province (Chau Duc, Long Dien, Tan Thanh, Dat Do and Xuyen Moc).

In July and August of 2008, Center of Informatics and Science – Technology Information of Science and Technology Department of Baria-Vungtau Province co-ordinated with the Provincial Peasant Association had completed 7 training courses: "Using Internet to exploit scientific and technological information" for officers of Peasant Association of Vungtau City, Baria Town and 5 Districts in the province (Chau Duc, Long Dien, Tan Thanh, Dat Do and Xuyen Moc).

Two hundred trainees are officers of branches of peasant association which belong to communes, wards of Districts, Vungtau City and Baria Town. Through training courses, trainees had been taught to use research tool of Google, exploit, store and use information of technique processes for cultivating, maintaining, processing products in the fields: agriculture, forestry and aquaculture; methods of setting up a project of aquaculture, forestry farmhouse; processes of producing breed of domestic animals, seed of crop plants; seeking input-output for agricultural products. Trainees also had been instructed to organize the exploitation documents on information papers about fields of technology transfer, education, health and methods of organizing programs to propagandize scientific and technological information in the community. Besides, trainees had been instructed to draft and send Email.

The training courses have created an encouragement and very fond of learning of the association officers, made the first foundation for farmers to get in touch with electronic information. At the end of the courses, trainees gave suggestions in order to training courses in the next year shall be better, conformity with the specific conditions of each association.


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