Yahoo opens resources for Vietnamese programmers
-   +   A-   A+     22/11/2008

Yahoo on Wednesday introduced more than 250,000 application programming interfaces (API) for the community of Vietnamese programmers.

These resources can be downloaded from the Yahoo! Developer Network (YDN). These are valuable online sources of information about web services, API, design models, source codes, and related documents of Yahoo. 

Most of them are provided free. Vietnamese network and search engine developers can use the available resources offered by Yahoo to design their applications. However, Yahoo may ask for a share of profit from commercial products.

The opening of its resources to Vietnam is part of Yahoo’s Open Strategy, one of the group’s global reform plans. Accordingly, developers can combine Yahoo with the “best applications” of other networks.


According to Chang Sau Sheong, Technical Director of Yahoo Southeast Asia, the opening of resources is a global trend that all big technology groups in the world are pursuing. 

After announcing its Open Strategy and Yahoo Developer Network, Yahoo experts gave a presentation about BOSS at FPT University. Vu Minh Tri, chief representative of Yahoo Southeast Asia in Vietnam, said Yahoo would provide experts, tools and build IT development programmes with Vietnamese partners.


“In working with the Ministry of Science and Technology, we know that Vietnam’s IT industry has three big missions: developing a Vietnamese search engine, developing open source software and an English-Vietnamese translation machine. Our Open Strategy can partly serve two of the three above missions,” Tri said.

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