Acceptance of Scientific Theme: Seismic and tsunami hazard assessment for Baria-Vungtau Province
-   +   A-   A+     18/12/2008

On the day of 16 December 2008, the Provincial Science Council presided over by Dr. Truong Thanh Cong – Director of the Science and Technology Department – has organized a conference in order to check and take over the theme: “ Seismic  and Tsunami hazard Assessments for Baria-Vungtau Province and seismic microzoning for Vungtau City”. Dr. Le Tu Son – Institute of Geophysics - is the Director of the theme.

On the day of 16 December 2008, the Provincial Science Council presided over by Dr. Truong Thanh Cong – Director of the Science and Technology Department – has organized a conference in order to check and take over the theme: “ Seismic  and Tsunami hazard Assessments for Baria-Vungtau Province and seismic microzoning for Vungtau City”. Dr. Le Tu Son – Institute of Geophysics - is the Director of the theme.

The main target of the theme is to construct regional earthquake source models and used standard published attenuation equations to calculate peak ground acceleration at 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years for rock site conditions. During 2 years, the group which carried out the theme has implemented a lot of works to study the characteristics of the tectonic condition, active faults, seismic ativity and deep structure in Baria-Vungtau and adjacent region. The resulting studies were used to define source zones that characterize earthquakes in the region. The map showing hazard at 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years on rock site conditions for  Baria-Vungtau has been estabished. The PGA of this level in Vungtau city is about 0.0486 g that is higher than other sites in the province.

The tsunami hazard for Baria-Vungtau has been assessed by numerical simulations for tsunami scenarios with different locations of fault source along the Manila Trench in Western Luzon, Philippines. As the result, the Research Group has brought out the tsunami hight at Baria-Vungtau coastal lines is raging from 1-2 m. The traval time of tsunami waves at Baria-Vungtau coastal line is arount 4 - 5 hours from the sources. It is later than 2 houres in comparing with those at other localities in the Central part of Vietnam. That enabe Baria-Vungtau to have more time to deal with when tsunamis happen.


The Council appraised that the theme has achieved its targets, had reasonable research methods. The reasearch results are abundant and concise and its data is on scientific basic in order to make reference when the Province carries out to build the orientations, projects of socio-economic development of the locality.

The theme has been graded fairly good.


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