Rural people still lack knowledge of preventing thunderstorm
-   +   A-   A+     15/07/2009

In the rainy season, there are many thunderstorms with lightning. This is a danger to anticipating disaster, causing damage to people and property. At present, there are many techniques to prevent harmful effects of thunderstruck to minimize damage however that is not enough when people have no knowledge of thunderstorm prevention.

According to statistics, there are annually the most lightning accidents in Xuyen Moc and Dat Do compared with other districts in the province. Every year, there are about 50 lightning strokes which caused losses and damages to people and properties in these two districts. According to yearly estimation, there are about 2,500 to 3,000 strokes of lightning in Xuyen Moc and 1,200 to 1,500 in Dat Do. Through surveys, the lightning protections of the people in these two districts have not been good yet. The greatest part of people has not got knowledge of lightning. At the present, 85% of houses have not got lightning protection systems.


One of reasons causing lightning struck to the ground many times is that more and more industrial and telecommunications works having electrical and electronic equipment that is sensitive to lightning actions. Some localities have initiative in studying and installing lightning protection systems, but in practice they are not the desired effects. In the real situation, in order to reduce the damages caused by thunderstorms, in September 2004 the provincial Science and Technology Department has co-coordinated with the Geophysics Institute to deploy 4 pilot models of direct lightning protection systems in Xuyen Moc and Dat Do Districts. Now they have been developed into 100 lightning protection models which have contributed to reduce remarkably damages caused by lightning in the localities.

Dr. Nguyen Xuan Anh, Vice Director of Institude of Geophysics, head of the theme “Thunderstorm research and lightling protection in Baria-Vungtau province” said: Now, people have little knowledge of thunderstorm prevention, especially in the rural areas. Therefore, there is a need of propaganda of lightning prevention ways in order to reduce damages caused by thunderstorm. In this May, the Science and Technology Department has organized training courses of thunderstorm prevention for people in Xuyen Moc and Dat Do Districts. At the same time, the Science and Technology Department entrusted the Center for Application of Advanced Science and Technilogy provided free lightling protection systems for 100 houses of these two districts.

According to Dr. Nguyen Xuan Anh, in order to preventing thunderstorm effectively, first it is a need of propaganda to people has knowledge of installation lightning protection systems for every house. Experts shall have to instruct people how to design and install themselves simple direct lightning protection system in order to protect man as well as their properties. With respect to electrical and electronic equipment such as televisions, radios… people should take advice of an expert opinion in order to install lightning arresters.

In accordance with the recommendation of experts belonging to the Institude of Geophysics, in thunderstorm season, people should pay attention of weather forecast when they are working in the fields. If it will be able to have thunderstorm (based on audiovisual rules or signs of dark clouds, wind…) they should go home quickly. In case of not going home in time when thunderstorm with lightling happening, strictly not to shelter from the rain under high trees, keep off high surrounding areas and metal instruments such as motorbikes, iron fences, not to gather in numbers… With respect to people being in houses, should keep off down conductors, stay away windows, doors, electrical appliances, wet places such as bathrooms, cisterns, taps; feet should be on dry places; should unplug electrical appliances before thunderstorm. With respect to telephone lines, television cables they will be able to transmit the effect of lightning, so you should keep off these lines and electrical appliances with a minimum distance of 1 meter. (pic.

Source: DoST BR-VT

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