Checking before acceptance the subject:“Researching to build a model of learning society in Baria-Vungtau Province”
-   +   A-   A+     25/01/2010
On November 12th, 2009, the Department of Science and Technology held Scientific and Technical Council to check before acceptance the subject “Researching to  build a learning society in the province of Baria-Vungtau”. The subject was co-chaired by Mr. Do Quoc Hung and Mr. Nguyen Minh Hue (The Study Encouragement Society of Baria-Vungtau Province).

On November 12th, 2009, the Department of Science and Technology held Scientific and Technical Council to check before acceptance the subject “Researching to  build a learning society in the province of Baria-Vungtau”. The subject was co-chaired by Mr. Do Quoc Hung and Mr. Nguyen Minh Hue (The Study Encouragement Society of Baria-Vungtau Province).
The subject has been performed in two years with the content of researching as follows: the general issues on learning society at home and abroad; the real situation of learning society in Baria-Vungtau province; proposing to build a learning society in Baria-Vungtau Province. The Science and Technical Council has evaluated the subject meeting the requirements and has checked and taken over it. However, addition to the contents to do, the Council has asked the head of the subject to provide a new model of learning society for piloting in the province.


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