Training on implementing Circular 11/2010/TT-BKHCN on the petroleum business
-   +   A-   A+     01/12/2010
On Nov. 10th Deparment for Standadization, Metrology and Quality Control of Baria-Vungtau Province organized a conference on implementation "Circular 11/2010/TT-BKHCN  on the petroleum business"  presented by Mr. Do Viet Hung, Head of volume capacity (Center Standadization, Metrology and Quality Control III).

Circular 11/2010/TT-BKHCN provisions:

- For measurement provisions: allowing errors in the measurement results of the measurements in gasoline sales, payments to organizations or individuals or the check does not exceed 1.5 times the error limit number of measuring devices allowed are specified in the testing process, respectively. And does not exceed 1.5 times the limit permitted errors of measurement system are specified in technical documents measuring Vietnam. The fuel retailers need to close the case, the average measurement, and dividing the tube is suitable measuring range.

- For the regulations on quality standards: Petroleum production, circulation, must meet import requirements QCVN1: 2009/BLHCN, National Technical Regulation on petrol and diesel fuels and biofuels. Traders are general agents, agents, shops, retail gasoline stations must have a record of product quality (including name, type, published standards, origin, quality certificates) for each type of fuel entering into the supply by the distributor. Public announcement in a position easily identifiable consumer information: name and type of fuel.
Petroleum supply the right quality and type of the notices.

Deparment for Standadization, Metrology and Quality Control shall implement the inspection measurement, quality, and coordinate with the concerned offices and agencies of measurement inspection and quality  at retail petrol localities under the provisions of this Circular and other provisions of law involved.

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