The Conference on implementing Vietnam S&T Development Strategy for the 2001 – 2010 period, reviewing S&T results for the 2006 – 2010 period, task directions for the 2011 – 2015 period
-   +   A-   A+     05/01/2011
With the approval of the Prime Minister, on 10/11/2010, in Hanoi Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) organized the Conference on implementing Vietnam S&T Development Strategy for the 2001 – 2010 period, reviewing S&T results for the 2006 – 2010 period, task directions for the 2011 – 2015 period. Mr. Nguyễn Thiện Nhân, Member of the Party Central Committee (PCC), Deputy Prime Minister and Mr. Hoàng Văn Phong, Member of PCC, Minister of Science and Technology attended and chaired the Conference.

Attending the Conference were representatives from the Government, Leaders of MOST, branches and agencies at Central and local level; leaders of some Research institutes, Universities, enterprises; leaders and experts of Departments and agencies directly under MOST; reporters from mass media agencies at Central and local level in the location of Hanoi City….

The Conference approved the Report on implementing Vietnam S&T Development Strategy for the 2001 – 2010 period, reviewing S&T results for the 2006 – 2010 period, task directions for the 2011 – 2015 period. With the guidance and management of the Government, MOST has actively coordinated with other Ministries, branches, localities, S&T organizations and enterprises nationwide to strictly, actively and effectively the S&T Development Strategy by 2010, contributing to improve potentials, renovation of management mechanisms, contributing in a practical and efficient manner to the social-economic development and the country’s industrialization and modernization over the past time. It can be mentioned some remarkable results as follows: The legal system on S&T has been basically improved to meet requirements of S&T management and international integration; Social sciences has timely provided scientific evidence for the socialist – oriented industrialization process, sustainable development and successful integration into the world economy. Basic researches in natural science have been improved in terms of the quality according to international standards. S&T has gradually reached to the regional advanced level, fulfilled many national important tasks, contributed to improve the growth quality of the economy and competitiveness of products and goods and ensured the national defense and security. S&T potentials have gradually met requirements of S&T development. Operating mechanisms of S&T organizations have been renovated towards self-control and responsible directions and S&T enterprises will be established. Organizational and management structure of S&T topics, programs and financial mechanisms of S&T activities have been renovated. The technology market has been established, developed and initially served as the bridge to connect and link S&T activities with production and business. International cooperation in S&T field has been expanded and strengthened in a practical and efficient manner.

For nearly 7-year organization and implementation of the Strategy, it can be said so far most of objectives and tasks planned in the Strategy have been successfully carried out, creating the premise for the development of Vietnam S&T Development Strategy for the next 10 years from 2011 - 2020.

In addition to gained achievements, S&T in our country still has some weak points. Regarding S&T capacities: S&T human resource structure of some professions and locations is still inappropriate; there haven’t had mechanisms and policies strong enough to mobilize resources out of the State budget; as compared with other countries in the region and in the world, our country still had certain gaps in S&T potentials and results. The technology level of many manufacturing branches in our country is still backward as compared with that of other countries in the region, which limits the competitiveness of enterprises and the economy in the context of regional and international economic integration. Regarding S&T management mechanism, although it is renovated, it still of administrative manner: S&T organizations haven’t been strong and still been confused when they move toward the self-control and responsible mechanism; they haven’t had effective policies to create motivation for S&T staff and policies to attract and foster talented people; S&T market hasn’t developed equivalent to the economic growth.

The Report’s content also mentioned tasks, solutions for S&T for the 2011 – 2015 period as implementing effectively the S&T Development Strategy for 10 years, medium-term S&T plan for 5 years from 2011 to 2015 and national programs which have significant impacts and importance; Strengthening import of technology in combination with improving capacities of researching, decoding, mastering and localizing technologies; Doing research, absorbing, developing applications of appropriate high technologies and new technologies; Developing with selection in high-technology industries and services; Promoting the growth speed of the technology market; Having policies on encouraging and supporting enterprises to import, master, use and renovate technologies; strengthening research functions and capacities in universities; Continuing the synchronized implementation of solutions on renovating S&T management mechanisms; Actively expanding cooperation and international integration in S&T….

In the Conference, participants were presented with speeches focused on issues as: Research on natural sciences; results of S&T activities in Industry and Trade branch; Program KX.01/06- 10 with Vietnam’s economic development; S&T enterprises with Vietnamese young people…

Delivering a speech in the Conference, Mr. Nguyễn Thiện Nhân, Member of the PCC, Deputy Prime Minister congratulated good achievements and results of S&T activities over the past time. The Deputy Prime Minister highly appreciated roles of MOST to assist the Government with the strong implementation of S&T Development Strategy, creating motivations for the S&T development for the coming time. At the same time, the Deputy Prime Minister also emphasized some issues which need to be paid attention: continuing the renovation of financial mechanisms which contribute to create the sustainable development of S&T; developing the human resources in S&T activities; using S&T in the operation of enterprises; S&T potentials for national security and defense…

Also in this Conference, Mr. Hoàng Văn Phong, Member of PCC, Minister of Science and Technology agreed with the guidance of the Deputy Prime Minister. The Minister acknowledged confidential comments of representatives, young entrepreneurs... which have significant contributions to the country’s S&T development. The Minister affirmed that speeches and ideas would be studied, improved and served as the basis to develop the S&T development strategy for the 2011 – 2020 period.

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