Construction Permit Training Workshop
-   +   A-   A+     17/02/2011

On February 14, 2011 the Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS) in collaboration with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.NRC) organized the Construction Permit Training Workshop in Hanoi. Dr. Ngo Dang Nhan – VARANS Director General addressed the opening remarks of the Training Workshop.

During one week of the Training Workshop, experts from US. NRC and Advanced Systems Technology and Management (AdSTM, Inc.) will present VARANS staff nuclear power plant (NPP) construction permit (CP) licensing process and review methodology, CP application review guidance as well as share their experience in licensing for NPP in USA.

VARANS Director General Ngo Dang Nhan, in his opening remarks, stressed that Vietnam is strengthening to complete legislative and regulatory documents on NPP in order to start construction of the Ninhthuan NPP in 2014 and legal issue related to CP licensing activities for NPP is one of priorities. This Training Workshop is a great chance for VARANS staff to learn from USA colleagues and to exchange information between two parties. On this occasion, Director General also expressed his sincere thanks to US. NRC for its continued and significant support for VARANS in particular and for Vietnam in general.

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