Application of bio-technology to management of brown planthoppers and ragged and grassy stunt rice diseases
-   +   A-   A+     09/06/2011

On June 9, the Provincially Scientific Committee organized a meeting to consider and approve the theme proposal “Application of bio-technology to management of brown planthoppers and virus diseases which damage to rice crop in Ba ria – Vung tau Province, by Eng. Trần Thị Hiến (Agency of Crop Production and Plant Protection).

On June 9, the Provincially Scientific Committee organized a meeting to consider and approve the theme proposal “Application of bio-technology to management of brown planthoppers and virus diseases which damage to rice crop in Ba ria – Vung tau Province, by Eng. Trần Thị Hiến (Agency of Crop Production and Plant Protection).

The study aims to establish a model of rice production with area of 10 – 20 ha where bio-technology is applied to manage several primary diseases damaged to rice crop and improve control processes of brown planthoppers and ragged and grassy stunt rice diseases in Ba ria – Vung tau Province.

The Provincially Scientific Committee highly appreciated the pressing and necessary requirements of improving rice productivity as well as protecting environment and creating safe agricultural products for consumer. The Committee asked the author to adjust the objectives of the theme and correct content of study as well as rename the title of the theme as “Application of bio-technology to management of brown planthoppers and ragged and grassy stunt rice diseases in Ba ria – Vung tau Province

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