A rare species of rock rat, thought to have been extinct for 11 million years, has just been found in the central
A rare species of rock rat, thought to have been extinct for 11 million years, has just been found in the central
The rock rat species was caught in a trap by the Ruc ethnic community living in the mountain village of On, an extremely remote area in Thuong Hoa Commune in Minh Hoa district of Quang Binh Province.
The rock rat has a body like a rat, a tail like a squirrel and coat of fur like a weasel. The Ruc people call this rat species “Ninh Cung”.
According to experts, the rock rat species has the scientific name of “Laonastes aenigmamus” (Jenkins, Kilpatrick, Robinson,
Experts of conservation biology were excited with this find as some years ago a similar kind of rat termed as a “live fossil” was found in