The Vung tau City Scientific and Technological Information Propagandist Competition
-   +   A-   A+     24/10/2011

On November 7, 2011, the Department of Science and Technology cooperated with Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province Association of Agriculture and Vung tau City Association of Agriculture organized successfully “2011 Scientific and Technological Information Propagandist Competition”.

On November 7, 2011, the Department of Science and Technology cooperated with Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province Association of Agriculture and Vung tau City Association of Agriculture organized successfully “2011 Scientific and Technological Information Propagandist Competition”.

Participating in the competition, there were 12 selected teams represented communes and wards of the Vung Tau city having excellent emulation movement for application of science and technology to server the processes of manufactures and business and life.

The Department of Science and Technology has organized the competition with the aim of identifying and forming teams of scientific and technological information propagandist; at the same time creating a interesting playing field, opportunities for exchanging and sharing experience of gaining skills at exploiting and storing database of scientific and technological information. Based on that, propagandists may introduce new and advanced techniques to farmers to apply into practice to improve their standard of living.

The competition consists of three parts, including stage decoration, knowledge on information technology application and demonstration of its skills. It was taken place ebulliently and seriously. At the closing ceremony, the organization board awarded the first prize to the team of Ward 1, the second prize to the team of Thang nhat Ward, and the third prize to the team of Ward 7.  

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