Project Acceptance: Build model to plant redheart dragon fruit as directed by VietGAP
-   +   A-   A+     25/07/2012
Jul 25,2012, Provincial Science Council chairmaned by Mr.Vuong Quang Can, Vice Director of Ba Ria - Vung Tau department of science and technology organizse to accept project in Xuyen MocDistrict as directed by VietGAP led by two engineers Pham Tan Phuoc and Nguyen Thi Dang (Provincial Farmers Association)

The project targets to build five models to plant redheart dragon fruit on 2 hectar land in Bong Trang Commune following process of SOUTHERN HORTICULTURAL RESEARCH  INSTITUTE (SOFRI)- VIETNAM in order to evaluate economic effect as a base to develop redheart dragon fruit in Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria Vung Tau Province in the future.  

Below are key points of project: Investigate cultivation of redheart dragon fruit in Bong Trang Commune, Xuyen Moc District in 2009, build five models to plant redheart dragon fruit recognized by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) in December, 2005, Train Technical Transfer for local farmers, Analyze Social-Economic Effect, effect of project on environment, Compare effect between redheart dragon fruits and whiteheart ones.

Redheart dragon fruit has a very good development on different types of land in Bong Trang Commune but they are most effective with red earth. Redheart dragon fruit is able to withstand drought, easy to cultivate and to be alive, harvest many times per year thus risk is limited. Here is special advantage of redheart dragon fruit in comparision with other plants. After more than two years of project implementation, it brings over 550 mil VND with total production 28.780 tons/2 hectars. Currently redheart dragon fruit is being consumed stably in the market
After closing on trial project, local farmers will get lots of experiences and production techniques to plant redheart dragon fruit following direction of VietGAP as a base to multiply this model. The Sience Council assessed the project quite good and agreed for acceptance.

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