Committing to approve the project Scientific Programme to support Enterprise in 2012
-   +   A-   A+     25/01/2013

On 22 January 2013, Provincial Department of Science & Technology checked and approved 2 projects “Investing and approving domestic sewage system with capacity 10m2/ day, night at Binh An Tourism Village of Binh An Village JSC” managed by Ms. Tran Thi Hieu and the project “Investing and building sewage processing system with capacity of 160m2/ day at animal breeding farm of Minh Nghia JSC” managed by Mr. Ho Xuan Thong. Both these projects belong to enterprise support science programme in 2012.

At Binh An Tourism Village, daily domestic sewage is about 10m3/ day, poured to sewage drainage system of the city. If it is not treated absolutely, this sewage will cause environment pollution of surface water. So, processing this sewage is necessary. Binh An Tourism Village JSC used aerobic biological mud method to process sewage and give good result. Sewage after being processed gets level B – national technique standard on domestic sewage, used to pour plants. The system helps to reduce bad odour arisen from treatment process and save budget which the Company spent to pay for sewage processing.

For animal yard of Minh Nghia JSC, before  there has been investment to build Biogas trench to reduce environment pollution but not satisfactory. Sewage in the time of breeding is not processed, and cause bad odour. Since sewage treatment system with capacity of 160m3/ day and night is in use, it contributes to reduce environment pollution in the plant and background people, reduce water pollution, land and soil. Sewage after being processed, and meet national standard on environment 40:2011/BTNMT, raise competitive position of the enterprise.

Both sewage treatment system of Binh An Company and Minh Nghia JSC run relatively effective, contribute to reduce environment pollution. This is necessary and good job of companies, enterprises in the Province which helps to develop stronger and more sustainable. Acceptance Committee highly evaluates effectiveness of two projects and agrees to approve it.

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