VNREDSat-1B is the next remote sensing satellite that Vietnam intends to launch into space with the cooperation of Belgium, after the successful launch of the first earth observation satellite.
The first earth observation satellite of Vietnam - VNREDSat-1 is active in space
after being launched on May 7.
Belgium and Vietnam have decided that Belgian firms, under the guidance of Spacebel will manufacture the VNREDSat - 1B satellite, according to an announcement of the Belgian Embassy in Vietnam last week.
This will be the second earth observation satellite to help monitor environmental resources, natural disasters, improve management of the territory and key resources such as agriculture, marine and forest.
VNREDSat - 1B will be launched into space in 2017. The satellite is derived from the satellite group Proba (Project for On-BoardAutonomy) of the European Space Agency (ESA).
"Belgium is proud of the achievements of space technology that it has achieved and contributed positively to the European space program. Belgian is also delighted to contribute to the space program in Vietnam," the announcement says.
Earlier, on May 7, the first remote sensing satellite of Vietnam, VNREDSat-1 was launched into space with two other satellites, including the Belgian satellite Proba-V from the Kourou launch site in French Guiana of France.
On this occasion, the Belgian Embassy in Vietnam, said that the launch of the Vietnamese and Belgian satellite is the symbol for the desire of space technology of Vietnam and European technological capabilities in general, in particular Belgium.
The VNREDSat-1B project has a total budget of 60 million euro from ODA loans of Belgium and Vietnam’s reciprocal capital. The satellite weighs approximately 130 kg.
With four satellites in the space, Vietnam has gradually proved its access to space technology to serve the demand for socio-economic development and national security.
Vinasat-1 is the first geostationary communications satellite of Vietnam. It was launched into orbit in 2008 from the Kourou launch site, in Guyana of France. The Vinasat-1 satellite project was launched in 1998 with a total investment of more than $ 300 million.
Vinasat-1 is 4 m tall, weighs 2,600 kg, and it has a life expectancy of 15-20 years. Photo: Lockheed Martin.
Vinasat-2 is also a geostationary communications satellite. It was launched into space on May 16 last year, also at Kourou launch site in Guyana by Ariane5 ECA rocket.
Vinasat-2 has a total budget of about $260-280 million, invested by the Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Group (VNPT).
Like Vinasat-1, the project partner of Vinasat-2 is Lockheed Martin group (USA), with the provision of satellite, control station equipment and launch services. Photo: Lockheed Martin.
The F-1 small satellite is designed and manufactured by the FSpace Space Research Laboratory of the FPT University.
The F-1 small satellite.
F-1 was launched into space in July last year from HTV-3 spacecraft in Japan. The FPT satellite is in the shape of a cube and weighs 1 kg. F-1 satellite project was kicked off by the FSpace in late 2008. However, since it was launched last year, the satellite has not signals yet.
VNREDSat-1 is the earth observation optical satellite, which is able to capture all the regions of the Earth's surface.
VNREDSat-1 is the first earth observation satellite of Vietnam. The satellite is capable of taking photos of the entire regions on the earth's surface.
VNREDSat-1 was designed and manufactured by EADS Astrium of France. It was launched on May 7 from the Kourou launch site, in French Guyana.