Project approval “Applying ecological technology in brown planthopper management …”
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On July 26th, 2013, Department of Science & Technology of BR – VT held a Scientific Council to approve the subject “Applying ecological technology in ray nau and short yellow disease, leaf twist short disease in Ba Ria – Vung Tau province” headed by Engineer Tran Thi Hien (BR-VT Department of Growing and Preventing plant in BR-VT).

Since 2006, happenings of brown planthopper, short yellow, and leaf twist short disease, it becomes complex in provinces of the south. Besides causing damages directly to rice, an indirect way to transmit ultravirus, causing damages to output and productivity of rice. The subject is to attract natural enemies, restricting ray nau, short yellow disease, leaf twist disease at low rate, not causing damages on economics. The subject has built the model to apply ecological technology to manage brown planthopper and short yellow disease, leaf twist disease on area of 10ha. Besides that, it has proposed process of managing ray nau, short yellow disease, and leaf twist short disease in BR-VT province.
Thorough time of execution, the subject has supplied the data as scientific basis for evaluating damage rate of brown planthopper, short yellow, leaf twist short disease through model of ecological technology – a necessary measure to prevent and reach effectiveness on technique as well as effectiveness on economics, environement factor and society. Enhancing understanding for cadres of plant protection and farmers on research results of model through natural biological prevention measure by growing flower fated induce to limit complex of insects, being damaging disease including brown planthopper.
The scientific council judges, the subject has met demand of output protection, output and increasing income, creating beautiful landscape for ecological system of growing rice, preventing environmental pollution and public health, serving for new rural development programme. The council highly evaluates the results of the result and agreed to approve it.

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