Check project “build model of growing green onion and cabbage according to VietGap”
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On 28 January, 2015 Department of Science & Technology checked project “build model of growing green onion and cabbage in combination with mineral fertilizers Germany nano technology, grid to prevent pests and drip irrigation technology towards Israel VietGap in Tan Thanh district, Ba Ria-Vung Tau province”.

Purpose of project is to build model to grow green onion and cabbage using mineral fertilizers Germany nano technology grid to prevent pests and drip irrigation technology towards Israel VietGap in Tan Thanh district, Ba Ria-Vung Tau province, by which helping farmers to eliminate chemical fertilizers, develop stable agriculture, a basis of registering and certifying VietGap safe vegetable model.


The project is selected for Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh, Lang Cat, Tan Hai commune, Tan Thanh district as a test model. The model consists of mesh to prevent pests 1,000 m2 and drip irrigation Isarel technology growing green onion and cabbage. Onion and cabbage reached food safety standard of Ministry of Health. The technical process to grow green onion and cabbage according to VietGap is a basis to register and certify VietGap safe vegetable growing model.   

According to Mr.Do Huu Hien, Director of Center for Application of Science & Technology progress, after the project completion, the Center in combination with infrastructure economic room of Tan Thanh in particular and infrastructure economic room of districts, cities of the Province transferred mesh compartment model of agricultural pests, drip irrigation system Isarel technology nano mineral fertilizer applied to plant green onions and cabbage. The center continued to complete cultivation process for some leafy vegetables, fruit and other. The project is a model of application of scientific and technological progress in agriculture farming in a sustainable way, a development trend of the province. In which consumers felt safe on the quality of foods selected to ensure good health and value of the products is enhanced. Therefore, the project is a suitable pattern consistent with the investment costs of the farmers and climate in Ba Ria-Vung Tau. And meet the needs of all citizens on fresh vegetables throughout the province.

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