Seminar “research and develop science & technology of Ba Ria-Vung Tau in the period 2001 – 2012”
-   +   A-   A+     22/06/2015
On June 4th, 2015, Department of Science & Technology organized basic acceptance and seminar “Research and develop science & technology of Ba Ria-Vung Tau in the period 2001 – 2012. Propose measures and enhance effectiveness” leaded by Bachelor Pham Ngoc Vu (Department of Science & Technology and Doctor Tran Tinh Huy (main member).

On June 4th, 2015, Department of Science & Technology organized basic acceptance and seminar “Research and develop science & technology of Ba Ria-Vung Tau in the period 2001 – 2012. Propose measures and enhance effectiveness” leaded by Bachelor Pham Ngoc Vu (Department of Science & Technology and Doctor Tran Tinh Huy (main member).  

The Seminar included representatives of Department of Science & Technology, Department of Culture, Sport and Tourism, Department of Agriculture & Rural Development, Department of Health, Department of Education & Training, Center for Researching South – East Fruits and cadres of Department of Science & Technology, Center for Applying Science & Technology Advances, Center for Informatics and Science & Technology Information.


Target and researching scale of subject is to investigate and survey total 151 topics, provincial projects implemented in the period 2001 – 2012 on the fields Natural Science, Technology & Technical Science, Agriculture Science, Medical – Health Science, Human culture & Society Science; evaluate effects of applying results of subjects, projects of the province implemented in the period 2001 – 2012 accepted and applied in the life; propose measures to take researching results of subjects of the province into real life.


According to group of researching, in this period, Ba Ria-Vung Tau has carried out 151 subjects, projects on the fields: Natural science 22 subjects, projects make up 14.57%; Technology & technical science 35 subjects and projects make up 23.18%; agriculture science 47 subjects, projects make up 31.13%; medical – health 14 subjects make up 9.27%; society science 29 subjects, projects make up19.21%; human culture science 4 subjects make up 2.65%.


About acceptance result, until October 2014, there are 135/142 subjects, projects due acceptance, make up 95%. The evaluation result includes 100% subjects, projects more than average rate, 17 excellent subjects, projects make up 12.59%; 102 good subjects, projects make up 75.56%, 16 average subjects, projects make up 11.85%. According to types of researching, practical type and production included excellent project quantity make up 19.23% with 5/26 projects, next application research make up 12.31% with 8/65 subjects, the remaining is basic research make up 9.09% with 4/44 subjects.


According to research field, technical and technology science field included excellent subjects, projects make up 20% with 7/35 subjects, projects; next agriculture science field make up 14.29% with 5/35 subjects, projects; the remaining is natural science with 3/22 subjects, projects, medical health 1/13 subjects, projects, society science with 1/27 subjects, projects. Human culture science field with 4 subjects in which 3 subjects accepted (one good subject and 2 average subjects). 


In this period, following up science & technology programs approved by provincial People’s Committee, annually, science and technology subjects and test production projects are to take researching results or application models into real life implemented. With financial investment for some key projects, total expenses to carry out projects makes up more than a half investment expenses for subjects, projects of the whole period. Researching results and application have actually contributed to economic – society development of the province.    


Group of researching also propose measures to enhance application effects of results of research and develop science & technology such as: First, at localities, soon need to specify documents of innovating financial investment mechanism and mission identification, select leading offices and leader of subjects, projects and mechanism to manage activities of researching and developing science and technology. Second, promote science and technology investment for the provincial science& technology organizations (focus on developing human resources of science & technology), ensure enough potential to apply results of researching into real life of production and be bridge to connect researching centers, institutes, universities to transfer science & technology advances. Third, priority to select researching results of effective subjects, projects of the province into the life and projects to transfer applying science and technology advances with big scales and broad effects which impacts economic – society of the locality. Fourth, competent authorities need to take care more to science & technology activities, active to propose issues to research, apply for their units; there is policy to maintain, develop results of researching and application. Fifth, there is policy to encourage enterprises to take part in researching science and applying results into production, business at the locality. Sixth, soon to form and take operation to online technology transaction floor at the locality, which is the place to provide, develop information on technology demand and provision resources, equipment, results of researching science and technology in the province, country and foreign countries.       


At the Seminar, delegates contributed many opinions for the group of researching to complete subjects. Subjects were highly evaluated on measures to propose and enhance effectiveness of results of researching and developing science & technology in the province.

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