Acceptance of the research project “Application of barcode encoding and information technology in developing management procedure that enables traceability in BR-VT pepper production”
-   +   A-   A+     04/10/2016

On September 14th, the Department of Science and Technology held a scientific and technological Council meeting to evaluate the research project “Application of barcode encoding and information technology in developing management procedure that enables traceability in BR-VT pepper production”. The research is led by Eng. Mai Xuan Giang and hosted by the Center for Application of Scientific and Technological Advances.

The purpose of the study was to develop an information management system applied in pepper production in Ba Ria – Vung Tau province that allows tracing origin of produce. The system traced the produce throughout its life circle since seed selection to sowing, germination, fertilization and other different stages of development. From then, information was encoded by EAN-13 barcode technology. Besides, QR code technology was also applied to help consumers find out information of product’s origin and development by just using the barcode printed on its packing. As result, the study contributed to improve product competitiveness, ensure customers’ trust and identify each party’s responsibilities in ensuring food safety of Ba Ria – Vung Tau pepper.


The Council accepted the project and required some modifications to be made in the research for final completion.

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