List of newly announced Vietnam National Standards On June, 2016
-   +   A-   A+     30/06/2016

Text Number

Standard Title

QCVN 27:2016/BYT

National technical regulation on Vibration - Permissible Levels of Vibration in the Workplace. 10

QCVN 23:2016/BYT

National technical regulation on Ultraviolet Radiantion - Permissible Exposure Levels of Ultraviolet Radiantion in the Workplace. 11

QCVN 26:2016/BYT

National technical regulation on Microlimate - Permissible Value of Microlimate in the Workplace. 9

QCVN 25:2016/BYT

National technical regulation on Industrial Frequency Electromagnetic Fields - Permissible Exposure Levels of Industrial Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in the Workplace. 8

QCVN 24:2016/BYT

National technical regulation on Noise - Permissible Exposure Levels of Noise in the Workplace. 9

QCVN 21:2016/BYT

National technical regulation on High Frequency Electromagnetic - Permissible Exposure Level of High Frequency Electromagnetic Intensity in the Workplace. 9

QCVN 22:2016/BYT

National technical regulation on Lighting - Permissible Levels of Lighting in the Workplace. 23

QCVN 30:2016/BYT

National technical regulation on X-ray Radiation - Permissible Exposure Limits of X-ray Radiation in the Workplace. 13

QCVN 29:2016/BYT

National technical regulation on lonnizing Radiation - Permissible Exposure Limits of lonzing Radiation in the Workplace. 15


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