List of newly announced Vietnam National Standards On May, 2016
-   +   A-   A+     25/05/2016

Text Number

Standard Title

ĐLVN 321:2016

Spectrum analyzers. Calibration procedure. 13

ĐLVN 308:2016

PVTt gas flow standard. Calibration procedure. 16

TCVN 5316:2016

Mobile offshore units. Electrical installations. 57

ĐLVN 294:2016

Standard meter for total mass concentration of suspended particles in air. Calibration procedure. 9

ĐLVN 287:2016

Verification instrument for portable wheel load scales. Calibration procedure. 13

TCVN 11298-1:2016

Telecommunication network. Indoor tight buffer optical fiber cable. Technical requirements. 36

ĐLVN 292:2016

Standard gases of vehicle exhaust emissions. Testing procedure. 10

TCVN 5309:2016

Mobile offshore units. Classification. 40

ĐLVN 304:2016

Master meters for liquified petroleum gas. Calibration procedure. 10

ĐLVN 295:2016

Standard current transformers. Calibration procedure. 11

ĐLVN 305:2016

Water master meters . Calibration procedure. 26

ĐLVN 303:2016

Reference merury - in - glass thermometers. Calibration procedure. 12

ĐLVN 301:2016

Reference platinum resistance thermometers. Calibration procedure by comparison techniques. 14

ĐLVN 307:2016

Master meters for oils and products. Calibration procedure. 24

TCVN 11302:2016

Streaming video service on the IMT-2000 puplic land mobile network. Quality of service requirements. 9

TCVN 5314:2016

Mobile offshore units. Fire protection, detection and extinction. 24

TCVN 6767-3:2016

Fixed offshore platforms. Part 3: Machinery and process systems. 40

ĐLVN 290:2016

Alcohol standard gas. Testing procedure. 9

TCVN 5317:2016

Mobile offshore units. Materials. 19

TCVN 6767-2:2016

Fixed offshore platforms. Part 2: Fire protection, detection and extinction. 41

ĐLVN 318:2016

Attenuators. Calibration procedure. 12

TCVN 6767-4:2016

Fixed offshore platforms. Part 4: Electrical installations. 62

ĐLVN 300:2016

Reference low temperature black body source. Calibration procedure. 11

ĐLVN 298:2016

Equipment for verification of electrical energy meters. Calibration procedure. 14

TCVN 5318:2016

Mobile offshore units. Welding. 13

TCVN 11300:2016

Point-to-point ethernet leased lines. Transportation requirements. 24

ĐLVN 316:2016

Stopwatches. Calibration procedure. 7

ĐLVN 296:2016

Standard voltage transformers. Calibration procedure. 11

ĐLVN 315:2016

Standard for verification of taximeters. Calibration procedure. 10

ĐLVN 324:2016

Optical sensor measures the pulse PRF - Calibration procedure. 12

TCVN 7909-1-2:2016

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1-2: General - Methodology for the achievement of functional safety of electrical and electronic systems including equipment with regard to electromagnetic phenomena. 103

TCVN 5311:2016

Mobile offshore units. Equipment arrangement. 110

ĐLVN 289:2016

Pressure balances.Calibration procedure. 34

TCVN 5312:2016

Mobile offshore units. Stability. 17

ĐLVN 325:2016

Laser power meter - Calibration procedure. 10

ĐLVN 299:2016

Standard resistance box. Calibration procedure. 14

ĐLVN 313:2016

Small volume prover. Calibration procedure. 20

ĐLVN 310:2016

Standard vessels. Calibration procedure. 21

ĐLVN 312:2016

Conventional pipe prover. Calibration procedure. 29

ĐLVN 323:2016

Speed meters - Calibration procedure. 10

TCVN 5313:2016

Mobile offshore units. Subdivision. 9

ĐLVN 322:2016

Signal generators. Calibration procedure. 11

ĐLVN 288:2016

Standards pressure gauges with digital or analoque indication. Calibration procedure. 31

TCVN 5310:2016

Mobile offshore units. Hull. 30

TCVN 11301:2016

Passive optical network gpon. Physical media dependent layer. 50

ĐLVN 309:2016

Bell prover standard. Calibration procedure. 17

TCVN 6767-1:2016

Fixed offshore platforms. Part 1: Life-saving appliances. 16

ĐLVN 317:2016

Electronicfrequency couter. Calibration procedure. 8

ĐLVN 302:2016

Reference platinum resistance thermometers. Calibration procedure by defining fixed points. 17

ĐLVN 293:2016

Standard hydrometer. Calibration procedure. 15

ĐLVN 297:2016

Reference watt-hour meters. Calibration procedure. 11

ĐLVN 311:2016

Standard glass flasks. Calibration procedure. 18

ĐLVN 291:2016

Ethanol standard solution. Testing procedure. 14

TCVN 5319:2016

Mobile offshore units. Safety equipment. 56

TCVN 5315:2016

Mobile offshore units. Machinery installations. 22

ĐLVN 306:2016

Master meters for liquified petroleum gas. Calibration procedure. 22

ĐLVN 314:2016

Sound calibrator. Calibration procedure. 16


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