Evaluation of the study "History of foreign affairs of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province”
-   +   A-   A+     20/03/2018

On December 22nd, the Department of Science and Technology (S & T) held a Council meeting to evaluate the study "History of foreign affairs of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province(1975 - 2015)". The chairman of the Council is Mr. Nguyen Kim Truong - Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology. The project is led by Ms. Do NguyetHuong, co-led by Dr. Nguyen Dinh Thong. Ba Ria - Vung Tau Association of History Science (BR-VT) is the lead agency.

The project provided a rendition of the history of BR-VT external relations in the period of 1975-2015. Project aimed to evaluate the achievements, limitations and lessons learned in external affairs matter of BR-VT province government, especially during a transition into industrialization, modernization and international integration.


Bestowed with richnatural resources, combined withhighly competitive cultural and social factors, BR-VT and has many advantages to attract investors, businesses and people from all over the world. Therefore, foreign affairs plays an important role in attracting foreign investment, contributing to province’s socio-economic development, consolidating national defense and security and maintaining country’s sovereignty.


The Council approved the completion of the project and requests some minor modifications to improve the study.

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