December 28, the Department of Science and Technology organized an evaluation
council to evaluate the completion of projects participated in the business
support program:"Science and Technology Program to Support Enterprises to
Improve Productivity and Quality of Goods in BR -VT province in the period
After reviewing projects results and documents, the Council decided to approve the completion of 13 projects. Companies will be eligible to get funding transferred with a total amount of 702 million dong. Names of companies and projects are as follow:
1. Thien Phuc Co., Ltd,: Construction of domestic wastewater system with the capacity of 100m3 / day.
2. Ba Ria - Vung Tau Milk Joint Stock Company: consultancy and certification of ISO 9001: 2008 standard;
3. Thanh Dat T-S-M Chocolate Co. Ltd,: Website development, consultancy andcertification of ISO 22000:2005 standard;
4. Thang Muoi Tourist Hotel Joint Stock Company: Construction of daily-life sewage system with the capacity of 130m3 / day.
5. Hung Vinh Joint Stock Company: ISO 9001: 2015 certification, 5S certification, technical regulation conformity certification;
6. Ba Ria - Vung Tau provinceUrban Development and Construction Joint Stock Company, Website development.
7. Rong Viet Finance - Accounting - Tax Service Co., Ltd.,: awareness training, internal audit methodand certification audit of ISO 9001: 2015 Standard;
8. The Hodeco Concrete and Construction Joint Stock Company, supported by: Consultancy and certification audit of ISO 9001: 2015;
9. Van Tuong Garment Company Limited: Consultancy and certification audit of ISO 9001: 2015;
10. Hai Viet Joint Stock Company: ISO/IEC 17025:2005 recertification audit, BRC-7 system recertification audit;
11. Thanh Chau Phat Co., Ltd,: surveillance audit of ISO 9001: 2008 (1st time);
12. An Khang Co., Ltd,: Website development
13. Bau May Agriculture - Commerce - Tourism Cooperative: consultancy and certification ofGlobalGap, and website development.