Winners of Press Awards in Science and Technology honored
-   +   A-   A+     18/05/2018
In the series of events to celebrate the Vietnam Science and Technology Day (May 18), the Ministry of Science and Technology held the award ceremony for the Science and Technology Press Awards 2017 in Hanoi on May 15.



The Minister of Science and Technology handed out awards to representatives of excellent press works in science and technology in 2017. Photo by Tran Binh

The Minister of Science and Technology handed out awards to representatives of excellent press works in science and technology in 2017. Photo by Tran Binh

Since the first launch of this special press award in science and technology in 2012, the Ministry of Science and Technology has received nearly 5,000 works in four different types and presented the award for 135 works / group works of hundreds of journalists, including 16 first, 25 second, 41 third, 47 consolation, and 6 sub prizes.

The Science and Technology Press Awards 2017 has attracted the participation of major local as well as central newspapers, radio and television stations.

Until December 31, 2017, there were more than 700 science and technology press entries in four categories of newspapers, electronic newspapers, radio, and television taking part in the 2017 contest.

After careful evaluation, the organization board decided to present 4 First Prizes (worth VND25 million each – or $1,098), 4 Second Prizes (VND12 million each – or $527), 4 Third Prizes (VND7 million each – or $307), and 6 sub Prizes of Impressive Work (VND3 million each – or $132).

Winners of the above prizes are the works that have successfully provided full and precise coverage of bustling activities regarding the science and technology sector in carrying out major tasks and solutions to directly aid in the development of various industries and fields; supporting agricultural production, especially hi-tech one; helping to manufacture national staples in accordance with the value chain; assisting businesses to apply innovative technologies while improving their own commercial environment.

Minister of Science and Technology Chu Ngoc Anh stated at the ceremony that the press has a very significant role in all fields, including science and technology.

Not only is it the fastest and most effective channel to provide precise information on policies and guidance of the Central Party as well as the State or new scientific achievements to the public, it can also direct and collect opinions or suggestions of citizens, managers, scientists, and businesses in order to build new mechanisms or policies for the development of science and technology.

The press can also be a bridge between leaders, scientists, businesses and the public, positively helping the last group understand the essential role of science and technology to the national growth.


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