“Train the Mentor” Workshop
-   +   A-   A+     20/06/2018

On May 25 th, 2008, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Department of Science and Technology Startup Vietnam Foundation to successfully organized “Train the Mentor” Workshop at Malibu Hotel, Vung Tau City.


Attending the conference were Mr. Mai Thanh Quang - Director of Department of Science and Technology of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province, Mr. Pham Duy Hieu - Director Startup Vietnam Foundation, mentors and experiences business owners and experts.



During the training, Mr. Pham Duy Hieu provided potential mentors with the why and how of mentoring. To build effective mentoring relationships with startups, mentors also need to be equipped with knowledge and skills. For example, mentors should pay attention to set up and get the agreement of startups about expectations, boundaries, goal of mentoring relationships. He also should know how to unlock mentee’s creativity, promote independence and leadership capacity, and willing to share his own network.


Following the Train the Mentor workshop, the Department will organize a Mentor Matching Event to help startups and mentors find their mentors and mentees and start the relationship.

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