Evaluating the research project "Building a pilot model of Smart Intersection in Xuyen Moc district”
-   +   A-   A+     03/12/2018

On the morning of November 22nd, Department of Science and Technology held the Advisory Council to evaluate results of the pilot project on Smart Intersection (at the junction of Huynh Minh Thach and 27/4 Phuoc Buu town, Xuyen Moc district). The Council is chaired by Mr. Mai Thanh Quang - Director of Department of Science and Technology. The project is lead by MSc. Le Thi Quynh Trang, and hosted by theCenter for Application of Scientific and Technological Advances.

The objective of the project is to develop a pilot crossroad to monitor traffic behavior that could help local police with appropriate punishment by timely visualization of serious traffic accidents. The project is also expected to help with raising awareness of law enforcement, minimizing traffic accidents, and limiting local traffic violations. The project is tested at the junction of Huynh Minh Thach and 27/4 Phuoc Buu town, Xuyen Moc district. 


In 22 months of implementation, the Intelligent Transportation Systems which is monitored by cameras at the junction of Huynh Minh Thanh Street and 27/4 Phuoc Buu Town, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province is installed and observed.


The application was built and run based on application of artificial intelligence (AI) system and big data. Technical details and standards were design with the last updated technology and modification to suit with local requirement. The completed system has been transferred to Xuyen Moc District Police Agency, initially bringing many positive results. Some can be named such as: ability to timely export results of traffic situation, ability to province information of violations with high precision,ability to handle traffic violations promptly. Specially, it has helped raising awareness of compliance of traffic safety lawand contributing to maintaining public and social security order.


Evaluated by the Council, the project met requirements for acceptance while some modificationscan be made to complete the research.. 

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