Welcoming and working with French experts about Oceanographic Zone
-   +   A-   A+     10/04/2019
On the morning of April 8, 2019, the delegation of French Oceanographic experts led by Mr. Michel Morvan – President of the Bretagne Occidentale Marine Institute of France visited and worked at the Department of Science and Technology of BR-VT province. Mr. Mai Thanh Quang - Director of Department of Science and Technology and representatives of leaders of departments, branches in the province has received the delegation. 

At the meeting, Mr. Michel Morvan introduced an overview of Brest City, Center for Scientific Research (Technopole Brest), Marine Park (Iroise), Institute of Oceanography (Oceanopole Brest). Next is Ms. Mme Liret Céline - Director Oceanopolis generalized the functions of the Institute of Oceanography. On the side of the Department of Science and Technology, Mr. Do Huu Hien - Director of Center for Application of Scientific and Technological Advances, authorized by the leader, reported the overview of the project of building "Marine Science and Technology Zone" of BR-VT province. This project covers an area of ​​10,231ha (equivalent to 102,231m²), located in Ward 12, Vung Tau City, in the North of Vung Tau City; adjacent to Vo Nguyen Giap Street in the East (Highway 51 connecting TP. Ho Chi Minh City); in the North, West and South contiguous to Dinh River, which is very convenient for transportation by  road, waterway and gateway to the sea. The project was approved by the Provincial People's Committee in the list of 5-year medium-term public investment plans for the 2016-2020 period.

The Department of Science and Technology and the French delegation also agreed on the working program about the next contents. The two sides will implement many surveys at various locations such as the area along the Song Dinh river to the port areas, Loc An fishing port areas, coastal areas, the construction of coastal erosion protection at Loc An commune (Dat Do district), and Co May Bridge (Vung Tau City). At the same time, the two sides will discuss cooperation plans to advise, support and deploy the construction of the Oceanographic Zone as well as the cooperation mechanism on training and transferring the technological processes and supporting experts to maintain and operate the provincial Oceanographic Zone in the future.

After the surveys and working sessions with the delegation, there will be a meeting with the Chairman of BR-VT People's Committee on the content of the surveys and working results with the delegation, expected on April 12, 2019.

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