The project "Building production processes and rearing of triploid Pacific Hatchery Oyster (Crasostrea gigas) in BR-VT was selected
-   +   A-   A+     03/06/2020

On May 22, the Department of Science and Technology organized a Council to select the project “Building production processes and rearing of triploid Pacific Hatchery Oyster (Crasostrea gigas) in BR-VT from tetraploid male oysters imported”. Chairman of the council is Mr. Do Huu Hien - Deputy Director of Department of Science and Technology. The project is headed by Mr. Nguyen Cao Quy. Mollusca HQ Aquaculture Co., Ltd. is the lead agency.

The goal of the project is to build processes of producing and rearing successfully triploid oysters, helping to improve the quality (meat ratio), growth, survival rate, shorten the harvest time. In addtion, it will improve the economic efficiency and sustainability of Pacific oyster farming in BR-VT province.

It is known that Pacific oysters are a mollusk with nutritional value, medical value and high economic efficiency. Oyster farming is also important in maintaining water quality and providing other ecological services in coastal areas. Additionally, Pacific oyster farming is an important part of the economy that supports jobs for hundred million people. Currentlly, Pacific oyster in BR-VT province has the phenomenon of degeneration of seed due to inbreeding, hybridization, thereby affecting farmers and the economy. On the other hand, oyster diploids bring lot of difficulties in harvesting and consuming products. With the technology of producing artificial seed of triploid triploid Pacific oysters, the hybrid between tetraploid and diploid oysters will be an important solution in the application of science and technology to increase quality and yield. Moreover, it contributes to diversifying trade models, meeting market requirements, bringing economic value to the fishing community.

The Council evaluated that the project achieved its requirements. However, it is necessary to complete the topic according to the Council's comments before deployment.

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