Selection of the topic “The state of tooth decay and the effectiveness of using Fluor Varnish to prevent early tooth decay in children in BR-VT province”
-   +   A-   A+     15/06/2021

On the morning of April 27, 2021, the Department of Science and Technology of BR-VT province held a meeting of the Advisory Council on selecting organizations and individuals to implement the topic "The state of tooth decay and the effectiveness of using Fluor Varnish (NaF 5%) prevents early tooth decay in children (3-5 years old) in BR-VT province. Mr. Do Huu Hien who is Deputy Director of Department of Science and Technology of BR-VT province is the chairman of the Council chaired the meeting.

At the meeting, the representatives of the National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology of Ho Chi Minh City present a summary of the mission statement, with the following objectives: assessing the current situation of tooth decay in children (3-5 years old) in BR-VT province and the effectiveness of using Fluor Varnish (NaF 5%) in prevention of tooth decay in the group of children (3-5 years old).

It is known that the use of Fluor varnish to prevent early tooth decay in children has been applied in many parts of the world and has had encouraging results. This is also a factor in promoting children's health, helping to create conditions for their comprehensive development as well as healthy physical and mental development, contributing to reducing children's diseases and the burden on the health sector. In BR-VT province, the oral and maxillofacial industry is also constantly developing with the goal of "comprehensive treatment", "patient-centered dental care". In which the prevention of oral diseases is always received special attention from all levels of the department. However, tooth decay and prevention of dental caries in preschool children still exist. This needs additional research.

The members of the Council evaluate the presentation according to each criterion in terms of research contents, approaches and research methods; efficiency and plans for transferring research results, professional capacity of organizations and individuals performing tasks. The council evaluated the explanation as having scientific and practical significance that is necessary in order to achieve the goal of improving the health of the entire population and effectively preventing dental caries in children's ages.

After conducting evaluation vote, the Science and Technology Council unanimously selected the Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital of Ho Chi Minh City as the lead agency to implement the topic and MSc. Le Trung Chanh is the topic leader. At the same time, the Council requested the Chairman and the group to edit and add some research contents according to the opinions of the Council members to complete the presentation.


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