National Quality Award Preliminary Council 2021
-   +   A-   A+     02/09/2021

On June 29, the Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality (Department of Science and Technology of BR-VT province) held a Preliminary Council for the National Quality Award in 2021 to consider, evaluate and select enterprises of the province participated in the National Quality Award in 2021. Mr. Tran Duy Tam Thanh - Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology is the Chairman of the Approval Council.

In accordance with Official Letter No. 159/TC-TCCL dated January 19, 2021 of the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality on the operation plan for the National Quality Award 2021, the Department of Science and Technology launched the National Quality Award to more than 300 businesses in the province. As a result of the launch, five enterprises have registered to participate.

At the meeting, after reviewing and evaluating the records of these units and enterprises compared to the criteria for the National Quality Award. In which, the focus is on the role of leadership; operational strategy; customer orientation and Market orientation policies; measurement, analysis and knowledge management; human resource development management; process management, operation results; Accordingly, the members of the Preliminary Council agreed to nominate for the National Quality Award in 2021 for the BR-VT Provincial Technical Center for Standards, Metrology and Quality. .

The National Quality Award is an award conferred by the Prime Minister to honor and reward enterprises with outstanding achievements in improving production and business quality, as well as enhancing capacity and competitiveness capability and integration of enterprises in the market. Attending the Award is an opportunity to help businesses in the province to learn, evaluate and improve their operations comprehensively, thereby offering solutions to overcome shortcomings in the management process and production and business management.

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