Text Number |
Standard Title |
ISO/TR 28642:2011 |
Dentistry - Guidance on colour measurement. |
ISO 14160:2011 Replace: ISO 14160:1998 |
Sterilization of health care products - Liquid chemical sterilizing agents for single-use medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their derivatives - Requirements for characterization, development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices. |
ISO/IEC TR 29199-1:2011 |
Information technology - JPEG XR image coding system - Part 1: System architecture |
ISO 29942:2011 |
Prophylactic dams - Requirements and test methods. |
Text Number |
Standard Title |
ISO/TR 28642:2011 |
Dentistry - Guidance on colour measurement. |
ISO 14160:2011 Replace: ISO 14160:1998 |
Sterilization of health care products - Liquid chemical sterilizing agents for single-use medical devices utilizing animal tissues and their derivatives – Requirements for characterization, development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices. |
ISO/IEC TR 29199-1:2011 |
Information technology - JPEG XR image coding system - Part 1: System architecture |
ISO 29942:2011 |
Prophylactic dams - Requirements and test methods. |
ISO/IEC 19794-1:2011 |
Information technology - Biometric data interchange formats - Part 1: Framework. |
ISO 6646:2011 Replace: ISO 6646:2000 |
Rice - Determination of the potential milling yield from paddy and from husked rice. |
ISO 9241-910:2011 |
Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 910: Framework for tactile and haptic interaction. |
ISO/IEC 12905:2011 |
Integrated circuit cards - Enhanced terminal accessibility using cardholder preference interface Pages:41. |
ISO/IEC 29109-9:2011 |
Information technology - Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 -- Part 9: Vascular image data. |
ISO/TS 16181:2011r |
Footwear - Critical substances potentially present in footwear and footwear components - Determination of phthalates in footwear materials. |
ISO 7331:2011 Replace: ISO 7331:2005 |
Ski-poles for alpine skiing - Requirements and test methods. |
ISO/TR 22312:2011 |
Societal security - Technological capabilities. |
ISO 10218-2:2011 |
Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 2: Robot systems and integration. |
ISO 10218-1:2011 Replace: ISO 10218-1:2006 |
Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 1: Robots. |
ISO/IEC 23000-11:2009/Amd 1:2011 |
Stereoscopic video application format conformance and reference software. |
IrSO 16000-25:2011 |
Indoor air - Part 25: Determination of the emission of semi-volatile organic compounds by building products - Micro-chamber method. |
ISO 11206:2011 |
Water quality - Determination of dissolved bromate - Method using ion chromatography (IC) and post column reaction (PCR). |
ISO 27468:2011 |
Nuclear criticality safety - Evaluation of systems containing PWR UOX fuels - Bounding burnup credit approach. |
ISO 16000-18:2011 |
Indoor air - Part 18: Detection and enumeration of moulds - Sampling by impaction. |
ISO 11311:2011 |
Nuclear criticality safety - Critical values for homogeneous plutonium-uranium oxide fuel mixtures outside of reactors. |
ISO/IEC TR 19075-1:2011 |
Information technology - Database languages - SQL Technical Reports - Part 1: XQuery Regular Expression Support in SQL. |
ISO 29842:2011 |
Sensory analysis - Methodology - Balanced incomplete block designs. |
ISO 2867:2011 Replace: ISO 2867:2006 |
Earth-moving machinery - Access systems. |
ISO 9999:2011 Replace: ISO 9999:2007 |
Assistive products for persons with disability - Classification and terminology. |
ISO 13130:2011 |
Laboratory glassware - Desiccators. |
ISO 13079:2011 |
Laboratory glass and plastics ware - Tubes for the measurement of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate by the Westergren method. |
ISO 13132:2011 |
Laboratory glassware - Petri dishes. |
ISO 12642-1:2011 Replace: ISO 12642-1:1996/Cor 1:2005 |
Graphic technology - Input data for characterization of four-colour process printing - Part 1: Initial data set. |
ISO 15112:2011 Replace: ISO 15112:2007 |
Natural gas - Energy determination. |
ISO 29282:2011 |
Intelligent transport systems - Communications access for land mobiles (CALM) - Satellite networks. |
ISO 11837:2011 |
Machinery for forestry - Saw chain shot guarding systems - Test method and performance criteria. |
ISO 7711-2:2011 Replace: ISO 7711-2:1992 |
Dentistry - Rotary diamond instruments - Part 2: Discs. |
ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011 |
Information technology - Microprocessor Systems - Floating-Point arithmetic. |
ISO 14006:2011 |
Environmental management systems - Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign. |
ISO 25841:2011 |
Female condoms - Requirements and test methods 2011-07-08. |
ISO 22119:2011 |
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of food-borne pathogens - General requirements and definitions. |
ISO 22118:2011 |
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection and quantification of food-borne pathogens - Performance characteristics. |
ISO 14300-1:2011 Replace: ISO 14300-1:2001 |
Space systems - Programme management - Part 1: Structuring of a project. |
ISO 10786:2011 |
Space systems - Structural components and assemblies. |
ISO 7186:2011 Replace: ISO 7186:1996 |
Ductile iron products for sewerage applications. |
ISO 14825:2011 Replace: ISO 14825:2004 |
Intelligent transport systems - Geographic Data Files (GDF) - GDF5.0. |
ISO/IEC 23007-3:2011 |
Information technology - Rich media user interfaces – Part 3: Conformance and reference software. |
ISO 11037:2011 Replace: ISO 11037:1999 |
Sensory analysis - Guidelines for sensory assessment of the colour of products. |
ISO 27852:2011 |
Space systems - Estimation of orbit lifetime. |
ISO 21927-10:2011 |
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 10: Specification for power output devices. |
ISO 9241-420:2011 |
Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 420: Selection of physical input devices. |
ISO 13253:2011 Replace: ISO 13253:1995 |
Ducted air-conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps –Testing and rating for performance. |
ISO 13385-1:2011 Replace: ISO 6906:1984; ISO 3599:1976 |
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional measuring equipment - Part 1: Callipers; Design and metrological characteristics. |
ISO 13385-2:2011 Replace: ISO 6906:1984; ISO 3599:1976 |
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional measuring equipment - Part 2: Calliper depth gauges; Design and metrological characteristics |
ISO 21254-3:2011 Replace: ISO 11254-3:2006 |
Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 3: Assurance of laser power (energy) handling capabilities. |
ISO 21254-1:2011 Replace: ISO 11254-2:2001; ISO 11254-1:2000 |
Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 1: Definitions and general principles. |
ISO 21254-2:2011 Replace: ISO 11254-2:2001; ISO 11254-1:2000 |
Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for laser-induced damage threshold - Part 2: Threshold determination. |
ISO 10988:2011 |
Equipment for crop protection - Knapsack motorized air-assisted sprayers - Test methods and performance limits. |
ISO 7626-1:2011 Replace: ISO 7626-1:1986 |
Mechanical vibration and shock - Experimental determination of mechanical mobility - Part 1: Basic terms and definitions, and transducer specifications. |
ISO 9936:2006/Amd 1:2011 |
Updating of reagents and confirmation of statistical data validity. |
ISO 15753:2006/Amd 1:2011 |
Exclusion of olive pomace oil from the scope |