International Organization for Standards published July 2018 (Part 1)
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ISO/IEC 15444-14:2013

Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system -- Part 14: XML representation and reference

ISO 8325:2004

Dentistry -- Test methods for rotary instruments

ISO 9664:1993

Adhesives -- Test methods for fatigue properties of structural adhesives in tensile shear

ISO 6326-1:2007

Natural gas -- Determination of sulfur compounds -- Part 1: General introduction

ISO 6888-1:1999/Amd 2:2018

Inclusion of an alternative confirmation test using RPFA stab method

ISO 14427:2004

Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium -- Cold and tepid ramming pastes -- Preparation of unbaked test specimens and determination of apparent density after compaction

ISO 8442-1:1997

Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs -- Cutlery and table holloware -- Part 1: Requirements for cutlery for the preparation of food

ISO 22514-6:2013

Statistical methods in process management -- Capability and performance -- Part 6: Process capability statistics for characteristics following a multivariate normal distribution

ISO 18265:2013

Metallic materials -- Conversion of hardness values

ISO 9666:1993

Aircraft -- Self-propelled lavatory-servicing vehicle -- Functional requirements

ISO 7240-14:2013

Fire detection and alarm systems -- Part 14: Design, installation, commissioning and service of fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings

ISO 7189:1983

Continuous mechanical handling equipment -- Apron conveyors -- Design rules

ISO 30021:2013

Plastics -- Burning behaviour -- Intermediate-scale fire-resistance testing of fibre-reinforced polymer composites

ISO 7190:1981

Continuous mechanical handling equipment -- Bucket elevators -- Classification

ISO 10775:2013

Paper, board and pulps -- Determination of cadmium content -- Atomic absorption spectrometric method

ISO 10337:1997

Crude petroleum -- Determination of water -- Coulometric Karl Fischer titration method

ISO/IEC TS 19841:2015

Technical Specification for C++ Extensions for Transactional Memory

ISO/TS 28581:2012

Water quality -- Determination of selected non-polar substances -- Method using gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS)

ISO 10336:1997

Crude petroleum -- Determination of water -- Potentiometric Karl Fischer titration method

ISO 266:1997

Acoustics -- Preferred frequencies

ISO 13169:2018

Water quality -- Uranium -- Test method using alpha liquid scintillation counting

ISO/IEC 29192-3:2012

Information technology -- Security techniques -- Lightweight cryptography -- Part 3: Stream ciphers

ISO 13856-3:2013

Safety of machinery -- Pressure-sensitive protective devices -- Part 3: General principles for design and testing of pressure-sensitive bumpers, plates, wires and similar devices

ISO 3324-1:2013

Aircraft tyres and rims -- Part 1: Specifications

ISO 6484:1986

Earth-moving machinery -- Elevating scrapers -- Volumetric ratings

ISO 1833-25:2013

Textiles -- Quantitative chemical analysis -- Part 25: Mixtures of polyester and certain other fibres (method using trichloroacetic acid and chloroform)

ISO 16587:2004

Mechanical vibration and shock -- Performance parameters for condition monitoring of structures

ISO/IEC 15693-1:2018

Cards and security devices for personal identification -- Contactless vicinity objects -- Part 1: Physical characteristics

ISO 1268-11:2005

Fibre-reinforced plastics -- Methods of producing test plates -- Part 11: Injection moulding of BMC and other long-fibre moulding compounds -- Small plates

ISO 1268-10:2005

Fibre-reinforced plastics -- Methods of producing test plates -- Part 10: Injection moulding of BMC and other long-fibre moulding compounds -- General principles and moulding of multipurpose test specimens

ISO 8063-2:1986

Information processing -- Data interchange on 6,30 mm (0.25 in) wide magnetic tape cartridge using IMFM recording at 252 ftpmm (6 400 ftpi) -- Part 2: Track format and method of recording for data interchange in start/stop mode

ISO 8063-1:1986

Information processing -- Data interchange on 6,30 mm (0.25 in) wide magnetic tape cartridge using IMFM recording at 252 ftpmm (6 400 ftpi) -- Part 1: Mechanical, physical and magnetic properties

ISO 629:1982

Steel and cast iron -- Determination of manganese content -- Spectrophotometric method

ISO/PAS 22574:2007

Road vehicles -- Brake linings frictions materials -- Visual inspection

ISO/TS 2963:2006

Cheese and processed cheese products -- Determination of citric acid content -- Enzymatic method

ISO 29904:2013

Fire chemistry -- Generation and measurement of aerosols

ISO/IEC 9796-3:2006

Information technology -- Security techniques -- Digital signature schemes giving message recovery -- Part 3: Discrete logarithm based mechanisms

ISO 12576-1:2001

Thermal insulation -- Insulating materials and products for buildings -- Conformity control systems -- Part 1: Factory-made products

ISO 11252:2013

Lasers and laser-related equipment -- Laser device -- Minimum requirements for documentation

ISO 14303:2002

Space systems -- Launch-vehicle-to-spacecraft interfaces

ISO 6537:1982

Pneumatic fluid power systems -- Cylinder barrels -- Requirements for non-ferrous metallic tubes

ISO 737:1975

Coniferous sawn timber -- Sizes -- Methods of measurement

ISO 19220:2004

Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings -- Styrene copolymer blends (SAN + PVC)

ISO 9239-2:2002

Reaction to fire tests for floorings -- Part 2: Determination of flame spread at a heat flux level of 25 kW/m2

ISO/TS 16780:2015

Water quality -- Determination of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCN) -- Method using gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS)

ISO/TS 19858:2015

Forestry machines -- Portable chain-saws -- Test method for evaluating saw chain oil lubricity

ISO/IEC 4909:2006

Identification cards -- Financial transaction cards -- Magnetic stripe data content for track 3

ISO 15384:2018

Protective clothing for firefighters -- Laboratory test methods and performance requirements for wildland firefighting clothing

ISO 11907-4:1998

Plastics -- Smoke generation -- Determination of the corrosivity of fire effluents -- Part 4: Dynamic decomposition method using a conical radiant heater

ISO 8668-5:1992

Aircraft -- Terminal junction systems -- Part 5: Detail specification for type 3 system

ISO 12606:1997

Cinematography -- Care and preservation of magnetic audio recordings for motion pictures and television

ISO 965-1:2013

ISO general purpose metric screw threads -- Tolerances -- Part 1: Principles and basic data

ISO 2140:1975

Continuous mechanical handling equipment for loose bulk materials -- Apron conveyors

ISO 2881:1992

Tobacco and tobacco products -- Determination of alkaloid content -- Spectrometric method

ISO/TS 19844:2018

Health informatics -- Identification of medicinal products (IDMP) -- Implementation guidelines for ISO 11238 for data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on substances

ISO/PAS 15339-2:2015

Graphic technology -- Printing from digital data across multiple technologies -- Part 2: Characterized reference printing conditions, CRPC1-CRPC7

ISO 14313:2007

Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Pipeline transportation systems -- Pipeline valves

ISO/TS 10128:2009

Graphic technology -- Methods of adjustment of the colour reproduction of a printing system to match a set of characterization data

ISO/IEC 15457-3:2008

Identification cards -- Thin flexible cards -- Part 3: Test methods

ISO 15971:2008

Natural gas -- Measurement of properties -- Calorific value and Wobbe index

ISO 12803:1997

Representative sampling of plutonium nitrate solutions for determination of plutonium concentration

ISO 4746:1977

Oxygen-free copper -- Scale adhesion test


ISO 16264:2002

Water quality -- Determination of soluble silicates by flow analysis (FIA and CFA) and photometric detection

ISO 4261:2013

Petroleum products -- Fuels (class F) -- Specifications of gas turbine fuels for industrial and marine applications

ISO 17997-1:2004

Milk -- Determination of casein-nitrogen content -- Part 1: Indirect method (Reference method)

ISO 4751:1984

Copper and copper alloys -- Determination of tin content -- Spectrometric method

ISO 20022-2:2013

Financial services -- Universal financial industry message scheme -- Part 2: UML profile

ISO 20022-1:2013

Financial services -- Universal financial industry message scheme -- Part 1: Metamodel

ISO 17555:2003

Plastics -- Film and sheeting -- Biaxially oriented polypropylene (PP) films

ISO 17997-2:2004

Milk -- Determination of casein-nitrogen content -- Part 2: Direct method

ISO 8442-3:1997

Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs -- Cutlery and table holloware -- Part 3: Requirements for silver-plated table and decorative holloware

ISO 2148:1974

Continuous handling equipment -- Nomenclature

ISO 20022-5:2013

Financial services -- Universal financial industry message scheme -- Part 5: Reverse engineering

ISO 20022-4:2013

Financial services -- Universal financial industry message scheme -- Part 4: XML Schema generation

ISO 8056-4:1987

Aircraft -- Nickel-chromium and nickel-aluminium thermocouple extension cables -- Part 4: Crimp-type butt connectors -- Dimensions

ISO 11223:2004

Petroleum and liquid petroleum products -- Direct static measurements -- Measurement of content of vertical storage tanks by hydrostatic tank gauging

ISO/TR 19815:2018

Information and documentation -- Management of the environmental conditions for archive and library collections

ISO 8056-3:1987

Aircraft -- Nickel-chromium and nickel-aluminium thermocouple extension cables -- Part 3: Crimp-type ring terminal ends -- Dimensions

ISO 570:1982

Textile machinery and accessories -- Heald carrying rods for healds with closed "O"-shaped end loops

ISO 10296:1992

Aircraft -- Hybrid remote power controllers -- General requirements

ISO 572:1976

Textile machinery and accessories -- Shuttles for pirn changing automatic looms -- Dimensions

ISO 14582:2013

Fasteners -- Hexalobular socket countersunk head screws, high head

ISO 8092-1:1996

Road vehicles -- Connections for on-board electrical wiring harnesses -- Part 1: Tabs for single-pole connections -- Dimensions and specific requirements

ISO 6570:2001

Natural gas -- Determination of potential hydrocarbon liquid content -- Gravimetric methods

ISO 16063-21:2003

Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers -- Part 21: Vibration calibration by comparison to a reference transducer

ISO 20022-8:2013

Financial services -- Universal financial industry message scheme -- Part 8: ASN.1 generation

ISO/TS 17466:2015

Use of UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy in the characterization of cadmium chalcogenide colloidal quantum dots

ISO 1029:1974

Coniferous sawn timber -- Defects -- Classification

ISO 1031:1974

Coniferous sawn timber -- Defects -- Terms and definitions

ISO 1032:1974

Coniferous sawn timber -- Sizes -- Terms and definitions

ISO 1033:1975

Aircraft -- Dimensions for general purpose push-pull three-pole circuit-breakers

ISO 2060:1994

Textiles -- Yarn from packages -- Determination of linear density (mass per unit length) by the skein method

ISO 10438-1:2007

Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries -- Lubrication, shaft-sealing and control-oil systems and auxiliaries -- Part 1: General requirements

ISO 10303-11:2004

Industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data representation and exchange -- Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual

ISO 16796:2004

Nuclear energy -- Determination of Gd2O3 content in gadolinium fuel blends and gadolinium fuel pellets by atomic emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source (ICP-AES)

ISO 2904:1977

ISO metric trapezoidal screw threads -- Basic dimensions

ISO 16000-17:2008

Indoor air -- Part 17: Detection and enumeration of moulds -- Culture-based method

ISO/IEC 9973:2013

Information technology -- Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation -- Procedures for registration of items

ISO 7755-1:2013

Hardmetal burrs -- Part 1: General specifications

ISO 3898:2013

Bases for design of structures -- Names and symbols of physical quantities and generic quantities

ISO/TS 27106:2009

Cheese -- Determination of nisin A content by LC-MS and LC-MS-MS

ISO 7755-2:2013

Hardmetal burrs -- Part 2: Cylindrical burrs (style A)

ISO 7755-4:2013

Hardmetal burrs -- Part 4: Spherical burrs (style D)

ISO 6262-1:2013

End mills with indexable inserts -- Part 1: End mills with flatted cylindrical shank

ISO 6986:2013

Side and face milling (slotting) cutters with indexable inserts -- Dimensions

ISO 4586-8:2018

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL, HPDL) -- Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) -- Part 8: Classification and specifications for alternative core laminates

ISO 4586-6:2018

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL, HPDL) -- Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) -- Part 6: Classification and specifications for exterior-grade compact laminates of thickness 2 mm and greater

ISO 5832-8:1997

Implants for surgery -- Metallic materials -- Part 8: Wrought cobalt-nickel-chromium-molybdenum- tungsten-iron alloy

ISO 11783-14:2013

Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry -- Serial control and communications data network -- Part 14: Sequence control

ISO 4586-7:2018

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL, HPDL) -- Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) -- Part 7: Classification and specifications for design laminates

ISO 4586-4:2018

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL, HPDL) -- Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) -- Part 4: Classification and specifications for compact laminates of thickness 2 mm and greater

ISO 8119-3:1992

Textile machinery and accessories -- Needles for knitting machines -- Terminology -- Part 3: Compound needles

ISO 4586-5:2018

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL, HPDL) -- Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) -- Part 5: Classification and specifications for flooring grade laminates less than 2 mm thick intended for bonding to supporting substrates

ISO 4586-2:2018

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL, HPDL) -- Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) -- Part 2: Determination of properties

ISO 431:1981

Copper refinery shapes

ISO 4586-3:2018

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL, HPDL) -- Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) -- Part 3: Classification and specifications for laminates less than 2 mm thick and intended for bonding to supporting substrates

ISO/IEC 7501-3:2005

Identification cards -- Machine readable travel documents -- Part 3: Machine readable official travel documents

ISO 12615:2004

Bibliographic references and source identifiers for terminology work

ISO 19125-1:2004

Geographic information -- Simple feature access -- Part 1: Common architecture

ISO 7755-11:2013

Hardmetal burrs -- Part 11: Conical pointed-nose burrs (style M)

ISO 11907-3:1998

Plastics -- Smoke generation -- Determination of the corrosivity of fire effluents -- Part 3: Dynamic decomposition method using a travelling furnace

ISO 8405:2013

Tools for moulding -- Ejector sleeves with cylindrical head -- Basic series for general purposes

ISO 7755-12:2013

Hardmetal burrs -- Part 12: Inverted cone burrs (style N)

ISO 7755-6:2013

Hardmetal burrs -- Part 6: Arch round- (ball-) nose burrs (style F)

ISO 7755-7:2013

Hardmetal burrs -- Part 7: Arch pointed-nose burrs (style G)

ISO 15798:2013

Ophthalmic implants -- Ophthalmic viscosurgical devices

ISO 4739:1985

Wrought copper and copper alloy products -- Selection and preparation of specimens and test pieces for mechanical testing

ISO 4586-1:2018

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL, HPDL) -- Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) -- Part 1: Introduction and general information

ISO 10284:1997

Cinematography -- Graphical symbols -- Description

ISO 1806:2002

Fishing nets -- Determination of mesh breaking force of netting

ISO 7787-4:2002

Dental rotary instruments -- Cutters -- Part 4: Miniature carbide laboratory cutters

ISO/TS 15011-6:2012

Health and safety in welding and allied processes -- Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases -- Part 6: Procedure for quantitative determination of fume and gases from resistance spot welding

ISO/TS 22077-2:2015

Health informatics -- Medical waveform format -- Part 2: Electrocardiography

ISO 4475:1989

Coniferous and broadleaved tree sawlogs -- Visible defects -- Measurement

ISO 8196-3:2009

Milk -- Definition and evaluation of the overall accuracy of alternative methods of milk analysis -- Part 3: Protocol for the evaluation and validation of alternative quantitative methods of milk analysis

ISO 6437:1984

Copper alloys -- Determination of chromium content -- Titrimetric method

ISO 1190-1:1982

Copper and copper alloys -- Code of designation -- Part 1: Designation of materials

ISO/TS 22077-3:2015

Health informatics -- Medical waveform format -- Part 3: Long term electrocardiography

ISO/TS 20825:2003

Road vehicles -- Drawbar couplings, drawbar eyes, fifth wheel kingpins, hook couplings and toroidal eyes -- Wear limits for in-use mechanical couplings

ISO 13304-1:2013

Radiological protection -- Minimum criteria for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy for retrospective dosimetry of ionizing radiation -- Part 1: General principles

ISO 6772:2012

Aerospace -- Fluid systems -- Impulse testing of hydraulic hose, tubing and fitting assemblies

ISO 5243:2004

Textile machinery and accessories -- Numbering of heald frames and drop wire bars in a loom

ISO 7166:1985

Aircraft -- Rail and stud configuration for passenger equipment and cargo restraint

ISO 5420:1983

Reamers -- Terms, definitions and types

ISO/IEC 27037:2012

Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidelines for identification, collection, acquisition and preservation of digital evidence

ISO 2913:1975

Wool -- Colorimetric determination of cystine plus cysteine in hydrolysates

ISO 1050:1975

Continuous mechanical handling equipment for loose bulk materials -- Screw conveyors

ISO 4716:2013

Essential oil of vetiver [Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty, syn. Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash]

ISO 13015:2013

Woven fabrics -- Distortion -- Determination of skew and bow

ISO 5285:2012

Conveyor belts -- Guidelines for storage and handling

ISO 2915:1975

Wool -- Determination of cysteic acid content of wool hydrolysates by paper electrophoresis and colorimetry

ISO 10993-2:2006

Biological evaluation of medical devices -- Part 2: Animal welfare requirements

ISO 1198:1972

Sealed-beam landing lamps for aircraft -- Dimensions

ISO 519:1992

Photography -- Hand-held cameras -- Flash-connector dimensions

ISO 23429:2004

Gauging of hexagon sockets

ISO 9665:1998

Adhesives -- Animal glues -- Methods of sampling and testing

ISO 10540-3:2002

Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of phosphorus content -- Part 3: Method using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) optical emission spectroscopy

ISO 365:1982

Textile machinery and accessories -- Twin wire healds with inset mail for Jacquard weaving

ISO 11843-6:2013

Capability of detection -- Part 6: Methodology for the determination of the critical value and the minimum detectable value in Poisson distributed measurements by normal approximations

ISO 7986:1997

Hydraulic fluid power -- Sealing devices -- Standard test methods to assess the performance of seals used in oil hydraulic reciprocating applications

ISO 5483:2003

Ships and marine technology -- Drain facilities from oil and water tanks

ISO 4298:1984

Manganese ores and concentrates -- Determination of manganese content -- Potentiometric method

ISO 2935:1974

Circular saw blades for woodworking -- Dimensions

ISO 10846-4:2003

Acoustics and vibration -- Laboratory measurement of vibro-acoustic transfer properties of resilient elements -- Part 4: Dynamic stiffness of elements other than resilient supports for translatory motion

ISO 15032:2000

Prostheses -- Structural testing of hip units

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