Council for appraisal and acceptance of the results of making the project “Application of science and technology advances in the period of 2022-2026 in the province of BR-VT”
-   +   A-   A+     21/03/2023

On March 13, 2023, the Department of Science and Technology of BR-VT province held a council to appraise and accept the results of making the project “Application of science and technology advances in the period of 2022-2026 in the province of BR-VT”. The unit in charge of implementing the project is the Center for Science and Technology Information and Application (Department of Science and Technology), the consulting unit is the Sub-National Institute of Agricultural Planning and Projection.

Attending the meeting was Mr. Pham Quang Nhat - Director of Department of Science and Technology, Chairman of the Council; Mr. Do Huu Hien – Director of Department of Information and Communications; Mr. Do Minh Tuan - Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of the province and members of the Council, specialized devisions of the Department.

The project "Application of science and technology advances in the period 2022-2026 in the province of BR-VT" aims to research and evaluate the current situation, development potential and application of science and technology advances in the province; forecasting trends and identifying specific tasks and solutions to promote research, application and transfer of scientific and technological achievements into production and people's lives. At the same time, The project also chooses to perform appropriate science and technology tasks, promoting the application of science and technology, increasing access and implementing modern science and technology application solutions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, focusing on priority areas and strong products of the province in general and localities in particular. In additioon the project builds a series of scientific and technological application tasks that are systematic, breakthrough, influential to the economic development of each locality, focusing on specific objects to create practical effects, contributing to the development of  socio-economic of each locality and the whole province.

The consulting unit proposed to pilot and replicate S&T application models in areas such as: the group of 4.0 technology application models; the group of biotechnological application models; the group of models of application of processing and preservation technology of key products; and the groups of other S&T application models.

At the meeting, members of the Council participated in commenting, analyzing, evaluating and giving advice on the project, especially in-depth comments on the proposed application models. According to the members of the Council, the project descripes clearly the needs for implementation. The project’s contents meet the requirements and the methods are appropriate to deploy. The council approved the proposal for implementation. However, it is necessary to revise and complete the project according to the comments of the council’s members.

Concluding speech, Mr. Pham Quang Nhat suggested that the consulting unit fully and seriously absorb the opinions of the council’s members to complete the project and submit it to the Provincial People's Committee for approval.

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