Approving the project and building the model of testing and applying technology growing trees without using land to make green government offices.
-   +   A-   A+     13/09/2013

On 12/9, Department of Science & Technology of Ba Ria – Vung Tau held Scientific Council to approve the project “Building the model of testing and applying technology growing trees without using land to make green government offices at Department of Science & Technology of Ba Ria- Vung Tau” headed by Master of Biological Technology Phan Quoc Tam (Center for Applying improvement of Science & Technology of the Province).

On 12/9, Department of Science & Technology of Ba Ria – Vung Tau held Scientific Council to approve the project “Building the model of testing and applying technology growing trees without using land to make green government offices at Department of Science & Technology of Ba Ria- Vung Tau” headed by Master of Biological Technology Phan Quoc Tam (Center for Applying improvement of Science & Technology of the Province).

Target of the project is to research, apply and grow green trees by technology growing trees without using land to make green and improve working environment at the authorities. Steps of planting trees are executed as follows: Surveying to choose kinds of trees; build cultivating medium; build nutrition movement system; withdraw system and root aeration system.

The project is highly evaluated by Scientific Council on necessity and real meaning of green wall towards government office as wellas other working environment. The Council agrees to deploy the project and require head of project to add and classify issues such as analyzing how about impacts of green wall towards background environment, how change of impacts at the daily and night time?... The project will be deployed within 5 months.

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