Scientists demonstrate the potential of electron spin to transmit quantum information (12/05/2024)
The spin of the electron is
nature's perfect quantum bit, capable of extending the range of information
storage beyond "one" or "zero." Exploiting the electron's
spin degree of freedom (possible spin states) is a central goal of quantum
information science.
New high-throughput device to unlock the potential of advanced materials (12/05/2024)
A Birmingham researcher has
developed a new high-throughput device that produces libraries of nanomaterials
using sustainable mechanochemical approaches.
Research explores ways to mitigate the environmental toxicity of ubiquitous silver nanoparticles (11/05/2024)
Silver has long been used to
thwart the spread of illness and in recent years silver nanoparticles have been
incorporated into products ranging from sanitizers, odor-resistant clothes and
washing machines to makeup, food packaging and sports equipment.
Development of ultra-high-efficiency pure red light-emitting devices with enhanced color representation (10/05/2024)
DGIST Professor Jiwoong Yang's
team in the Energy Science and Engineering Department has successfully
manufactured high-performance, skin-attachable perovskite pure red
light-emitting devices to create various forms of wearable displays.
Researchers can now accurately measure the emergence and damping of a plasmonic field (10/05/2024)
An international research team
led by Universität Hamburg, DESY, and Stanford University has developed a new
approach to characterize the electric field of arbitrary plasmonic samples,
like, for example, gold nanoparticles. Plasmonic materials are of particular
interest due to their extraordinary efficiency at absorbing light, which is
crucial for renewable energy and other technologies.
New DNA origami technique promises advances in medicine (10/05/2024)
A new technique in building DNA
structures at a microscopic level has the potential to advance drug delivery
and disease diagnosis, a study suggests.
Design strategies toward plasmon-enhanced 2D material photodetectors (10/05/2024)
Traditional semiconductors such
as Si, GaAs, and HgCdTe seem unable to meet the development trend of electronic
devices that feature ultra-small volume, lightweight, and low power
consumption. These limitations of traditional semiconductors mainly stem from
complex growth conditions and low-temperature working environments.
Researchers demonstrate enhanced radiative heat transfer for nanodevices (10/05/2024)
Researchers from Japan have been
working hard to keep their cool—or at least—keep their nanodevices from
overheating. By adding a tiny coating of silicon dioxide to micro-sized silicon
structures, they were able to show a significant increase in the rate of heat
dissipated. This work may lead to smaller and cheaper electronic devices that
can pack in more microcircuits.
Neuralink’s first brain chip implant developed a problem — but there was a workaround (09/05/2024)
The first test subject for Neuralink, Elon Musk’s brain chip implant startup, has
developed a problem just a few weeks after it was inserted.
AI boom set to fuel data centre deals in Asia this year (08/05/2024)
Global private equity investors and asset managers are
readying for billions of dollars worth of M&A and investments linked to
data centres in Asia Pacific, as the artificial intelligence (AI) boom fuels
demand for digital infrastructure.