Tan Cang- Cai Mep port opens more new service routes
-   +   A-   A+     09/09/2010

Recently, Tan Cang- Cai Mep port (TCCT) and CSAV NORASIA ship firm (under CSAV group) have reached agreement to implement ASIAM service route at the TCCT on Friday weekly.

Recently, Tan Cang- Cai Mep port (TCCT) and CSAV NORASIA ship firm (under CSAV group) have reached agreement to implement ASIAM service route at the TCCT on Friday weekly.

It is expected that on September 10, the first ship of this firm named PAGO with 231 meters in length, capacity of 3,534 TEUS will land at TCCT. This service route is implemented with 11 ships, start from Far East to Asia and go ahead to the West Bank- Northern of the US. This service route helps customers have more choices and increase the coverage of the connection between TCCT and other ports in the world.

Before that, on August 29, TCCT and ZIM ship firm also reached agreement to implement AME service route (Asia Med Europe) at TCCT on Wednesday weekly. The first vessel of this firm named ZIM PACIFIC with 254 meters in length, capacity of 3,837 TEUS will land at TCCT on September 15. This service-route is implemented with 12 ships, start from Asia via Mediterranean and to some european countries. ZIM is the first firm has implemented the service route to EU at TCCT.

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