Radiation warning device successfully developed
-   +   A-   A+     16/04/2011
The Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INST) has successfully developed a radiation warning device which is able to give audible warnings and flickering light when radiation background rises above the threshold. The device is of small size (25 x 15 x 5) cm. Its weight is about 1,700 grams.

For both industrial and civil uses

The device enables users to see at a glance how much radiation background is, said M.A. Dang Quang Thieu, Head of Department of Nuclear Electronics, INST. It is also noticeable that the device could be used for both industrial and civil practice.

We can use it in high threat areas for monitoring radiation background and giving warnings in case it goes beyond the threshold. Therefore, users are well-informed to avoid the high threat areas.

In industry, the device can be placed in research chambers or working areas where radiation control is required.

When radiation background rises above the threshold, the device will give audible warnings and flickering warning light. According to Mr. Thieu, the user can set his own radiation threshold to meet his need.

Apart from that, it is possible to connect the device to a computer (whether through wire or wireless network) for observing radiation background in different areas at the same time.

The device operating at alternative current of 220V potential or direct current of 15 V potential (through adaptor) includes probes, LEDs, communication gates to connect to the computer.

The device costs 5.000.000 VND while the price of an imported one with similar functions is about 700-1.000 USD.

To be on the market – how to persuade Vietnamese people to use domestic product

Although after several years of researching, the device has been successfully developed, the work has been mainly used to serve the research purposes due to the fact the Vietnamese people still prefer foreign products, as shared by Mr. Thieu.

His group has the intention to bring the product to the market. However, the most difficulty is to persuade customers to use domestic products. It is said t hat the INST has ordered the devices to equip its entire radiation areas.

Mr. Thieu also proposed that “Investment for production and research should be of adequate amount. Half-way investing is costly, but ineffective.”

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